Finding Your Path

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'Remember, theres always a path. That was his. Go find yours.'

You stood now, looking out at the Yggdrasil he had created. There was many names he could go by now. The God Of Stories. The God Of The Multiverse. The God Of Time. To you, he was the love of your life and a man who had just made the greatest sacrifice in the Multiverse.

And nobody on those timelines new. Nobody else, other than you and Mobius, cared.

When you'd first came here with him, you'd have laughed at anyone who told you he would do something like this. Or if he did it, it would have been for the throne. Not for you. Not for all of us.

'Remember, theres always a path. That was his. Go find yours.'

You believed for the past few days that your path was to sit against the wall for eternity, waiting to see the man you'd never see again.

What if it wasn't?

You'd thought about it for some time. You knew how you wanted your story to end. You knew how Loki wanted his to end. It wasn't this. Maybe you were destined for a sad ending of your story, but that didn't mean you wouldn't fight for a better one.

Loki's POV...

I have no regrets about claiming the throne. Did I want it? Absolutely not. But she didn't either. She wanted me alive, I knew that. At least here I was alive and giving her a chance to live her life freely.

But I saw her just sitting there. Twisting the ring, drinking. It hurt me that I couldn't be with her. I told myself she'd move on eventually.

Mobius had gone to his original timeline, watching his life and how it was supposed to be. He said he was going to 'let time pass'. I smiled. He deserved it. I knew he was hurting, too, but he deserved to know what he left behind.

Sylvie was finding her own path. She had gone back to McDonalds to work there eventually, seeming happy.
'It's weird that Loki's not here,' she had said. I was just glad Y/N wasn't there to hear that. She blamed her. She thinks it should've been her. I understand why.

I saw someone in the distance, not on a timeline, walking up towards me. I knew instantly who it was.


She looked different. Her outfit wasn't the same suit from the TVA, it was different. It was plain black, skin tight with a long skirt and came around the back. Gold assets ran throughout it, as well as a gold headpiece. She looked 100 times more powerful.

And she was as breathtaking as the day I met her.

I wanted to smile but I knew why she was here. I had seen her coming with no power to stop her. She walked further up, stopping before me. She let herself look at me for a moment, seeming to be taking it all in. She frowned.

"This isn't the life we wanted" she says. "And I don't intend to keep it."

"What do you propose we do, darling? Someone has to sit here and I won't let it be you" I respond. "Please, go back. Fine a timeline, go-"

"I could go to every timeline in the Multiverse and still wouldn't have the happy ending I want, Loke. I need you" she begs, taking another step forwards. She cupped my face, the timelines moving out the way for her. "We can still have our happy ending."

"You shouldn't be here" I tell her.

Your POV...

Chaos - Loki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now