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You drag Loki through the orange door, hand in hand, stumbling straight back into a room you recognised.
"The TVA" you state. "She's back here"
"What did you just do?!" Loki asks you. "Why are we following this lesser Loki?!"

"I told you, once this is finished I'd have nothing better to do."
"So why'd you drag me with you?"
"You wanna prove you're the superior Loki, right?" You ask him, earning his interest. You walk over to the locker, opening it and taking out Loki's draggers.

"She won't have powers here. And she's planning something. We were never going to get an audience with the Time-Keepers and I don't intend on working for this place until they eventually prune me so I'm going after her. I'm going to find out what shes doing, maybe steal a TemPad, find a timeline where I'm happy and live there instead"

"You can't. There would be a nexus event" Loki makes a point.
"The Variant is probably doing something to destroy the TVA so I doubt I'll have to worry" you tell him, throwing him his daggers and then grabbing your sword. "You can stay and get pruned or come with me. But I'm going."

You begin walking away, smiling when you hear the footsteps following close behind you. You both come across a few minutemen laying unconscious on the floor and you keep following the path. As you reach a corner, you turn and see her taking out another minute man. She was at a dead end.

She spots you both, taking out her sword.
"A few questions" you start, pointing your sword at her.
"Have you really got nothing else better to do?" She asks you.
"Rude" you scoff.
"Are you sure you're a Loki?" Loki asks, pointing his dagger at her as she edges closer.

"You're in my way" she deadpans at you both.
"You are my way!" Loki yells back in response.
The Variant goes to slash him with her sword, which you quickly block for him and kick her backward.

"Listen. I thought perhaps the three of us could work together" you propose, but the Variant just rolled her eyes and goes to punch you.
You dodge it, grabbing her by her arm and spinning before throwing her into the wall.
"Fine, I take it back. Now I see, you lack vision" you yell. "Not too tough without hiding behind the big guy, are you?"

"Oh, just shut up!" She yells, tackling you to the ground.
"This is a lovely display" Loki chips in, standing awkwardly as he watched the two of you fight. He eventually walks over, going to grab the Variant only to be punched directly in the face and bought down to the floor. "Hey!"

You tackle her from behind, the three of you spinning on the floor and kneeling up, all pointing your weapons at one another angrily.

"Hey!" You hears Renslayers voice, the three of you turning your heads to see her standing with a prune stick and two minutemen.
The Variant quickly ducks, going behind you to Loki and holding a sword at his chest. "Come any closer and I'll kill him" she says.

"Go for it" Renslayers grins. You roll your eyes, kicking the Variant's leg to knock her own off of Loki. Suddenly, an orange door opens beneath the three of you and you all fall just before Renslayer can get to you.

You land with Loki on top of you, groaning in pain. "Get off me!" You yell, pushing him off. "You are heavy"
"I'm a god" he defends himself.
"Exactly" you nod. You watch as the Variant goes for the tempad, making you grab her leg and drag her back so she can't reach it.

"Get off my leg!" She screams, grabbing your arm and flinging you into a wall.
"Every time!" You yell in frustration, looking up to see the Variant with the TemPad. You shoot a look at Loki, who's watching the whole display with amusement.

"Goodbye Variants" she scoffs, trying to work the TemPad but her face drops. "It's not working"
You go up behind her, grabbing her hair and slamming her into the wall before throwing her to the floor, laughing at her groans of pain.

Chaos - Loki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now