Two choices

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The four of you stood in the dark elevator, your sword still held towards 'He Who Remains'. He didn't seem to care, still happily eating his apple as if it was nothing.

"Not what you were expecting, huh?" He asks. He was turned away from the three of you, Sylvie and Loki either side of you.
"You're just.. a man" Loki breathes out, confused.
"Flesh and blood" He Who Remains shrugs. "Don't tell me I'm a disappointment."

"No. Just a little bit easier to kill" Sylvie threatens him, leaping forwards with her sword only for He Who Remains to disappear. You hear a light chuckle, the three of you turning around to see him laying on the seats behind you.

Sylvie tries again, slashing her sword down only for him to appear behind her. She goes for it again, but once again he disappears. He didn't appear back in the elevator, making your breathing pick up in fear.

The elevator door suddenly opens, He Who Remains smiling on the other side. "Come on in" he smiles, turning and walking down towards his desk. You decide to go first, cautiously walking towards the man with your sword pointing towards him, threatening him.

He turns around, seeing you edging closer to him.
"Please," he smiles, gesturing to the seats. "Take a seat."
He places three small cups on the table, pouring the tea into them. "Loki.. Sylvie and Y/N. Two sugars" he smiles, walking back behind his desk and pouring himself some tea as well.

"What do you think?" You feel Loki breath down your neck, a hand placed on your waist. You slowly turn your head to him, your eyes still trained on He Who Remains.
"I think we sit" you tell him. "See what he has to say."

Loki nods and the three of you slowly make your way over, taking a slow seat. You sat in the middle of Loki and Sylvie, glaring directly into the eyes of the man before you.

"It's been a long journey for you, hasn't it? Lot of running," the man looks at you. "A lot of pain."
You don't flinch, glaring at the man dangerously.
"And you," he looks at Loki. "You're a flea on the back of a dragon. In for one hell of a ride. But you did manage to hang on. I guess that counts for something."

"I'm not sure you quite understand the situation," Loki tells him. "You've lost. We found you."
The three of you smirk, but He Who Remains only shrugs. "Duh," he says. "Of course you did."

You shoot up, swinging your sword at the man but he teleports to sit along the back of his chair, laughing at you. "A swing and a miss" he grins. "So we're still doing that, hm?"

"How are you doing that?!" you growl, only receiving a laugh in return. "You were always the feisty one, weren't you Y/N?" He stares at you in awe.

"Let's get all of this out of the way," he says, bending down and picking up a stack of files. He opens them, grabbing out some paper and placing it in front of you. "You can't kill me because I already know what's going to happen."

You look at the paper, Loki and Sylvie coming behind you as well to take a look.
'How are you doing that?!' You read exactly what you had said to him only seconds ago. Loki laughs, shaking his head.
"It's a parlour trick" he says.

"Don't you wonder how I'm able to get out of the way just before you kill me?" He asks you three.
"No," Sylvie responds. "It's because of that little TemPad you have there."

"Right. But how do I already have it loaded up with everything I need to know to keep from being killed by you three? It's easy. I know it all. And I've seen it all" he answers his own question, taking a seat once again.

"Everything you guys did on Lamentis, I saw. All the stuff the TVA didn't know about, I knew. All the scheming, all the talking. That little kiss by Alioth" he turns to you and Loki, both of you turning to face one another for a moment.. "I adore your love story by the way. Very touching enemies to lovers trope" he smiles.

Chaos - Loki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now