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You and Loki stepped into Brad's cell, seeing him laying peacefully on the floor.
"Hi" Loki waves, making Brad sigh and open his eyes to see you both.
"Hello, Loki and Y/N. Ready for round two?" He asks you both sarcastically.

"I just felt like we needed another session" Loki shrugged and you nodded in agreement.
"Me too. I need to get a few things of my chest" you say.

Brad looks up at the two of you, raising an eyebrow. "You gonna try the hardball tactics this time?" He asks, making you smirk.
"Something like that" Loki grins.
"Ok" Brad shrugs, but his cockiness was quickly turned off when he heard a squeaky noise heading his way.

Mobius arrived and you helped him get the machine he was bringing through the door, leading the way to plug it in. Brad grew slightly nervous.
"Where's B-15?" He asks, now standing.
"She's not going to be attending this session" Mobius answers.

"Oh, I get it. So, you come in here without B-15 and I'm supposed to believe you're gonna torture me, Mobius?"
"Well, let's simplify everything. You have information that we need. You don't want to give it to us. So how do we find common ground?" Mobius asks him.

"You are getting desperate" Brad scoffs.
"You're not wrong" Loki smiles, turning to you to look for agreement. "He's not wrong" he says again, making you nod.

"I'll be honest with you, we're down to our last option" Mobius tells him.
"And your last chance" you deadpan.
"This is cute. Which one of you came up with this script?" He asks, but the three of you ignore him.

"Because you're a tough nut to crack, you've left us no choice but to kind of ramp-"
"Mobius" Loki cuts him off, making Mobius look up at him. "Controller."

"Right" Mobius nods, turning and walking towards the door. "We can't start this little festivities without that little baby. Stand by."

Loki follows Mobius while you stand your ground, glaring at Brad as he challenged you back. He lost, inevitably, when he heard the door suddenly close behind him. He turns, seeing Loki locking Mobius out. Mobius yelled at the two of you to get back in but you ignored him.

"Turns out, there is actually one other option" Loki grins, walking back down towards Brad. Mobius's desperate yelling continued, slamming on the door.

"You sniffed us out, Brad. And I knew you would, because you're a clever chap. So guess what," Loki stands beside you. "We wrote a little script of our own."
"Loki, Y/N this isn't right! Open up!" You heard Mobius, ignoring him and walking towards the machine. Brad laughed.

"That thing does not work without the controller, though, so.." he looks at you, cockily. "What're you gonna do?" He asks with fake sympathy. You laugh, taking the controlled out from behind you.
"This one?" You ask, putting it into the machine when Brad doesn't answer.

"Great" you smile, walking towards him while Loki finishes setting up. "Let's play some trivia, Brad. Or have a little Q and A, if you'd prefer."
"This is stupid" he yells, walking up and stopping right in front of your face. You don't flinch, you simply smile.
"Did you find Sylvie? And if you did, where is she?" You ask. He doesn't answer.

Loki sighs. "It's a simply question, really. Doesn't mean we can't enjoy ourselves as we go along" Loki winks, checking the plugs. Brad laughed.
"You both almost got me. You have no idea how to work that thing" he smiles.

"I'm not trying to be a hero, Brad. I'm a villain, remember?" Loki smirks, ignoring Mobius's sounds of protest from outside as he turns on the machine. "Look at that!" Loki beams.

Brad starts backing away now, suddenly scared. "Earlier I said some very hurtful things. I brought up your mother" he talks to Loki, now turning to you. "I brought up your father. And I am really sorry about that," he turns to the door. "Mobius!" He yells desperately. "Hey, get in here!"

Chaos - Loki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now