Deja Vú

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The four of you went through the corridor, away from where O.B and Victor were working.
"All right, let's have a little pie while we wait" Mobius smiles. Loki calls the elevator, you and him both assuming you'd head straight up to have some pie.

"Pie?!" Sylvie questions. You sensed the tension instantly, turning around to the pair. They were facing each other.
"Yeah" Mobius beams.

"What is the matter with you?!" Sylvie snaps, you and Loki both watching now from behind Sylvie. "You dragged me back here begging for help, so you must have some idea of what's happening. Everything is turning to shit!" She yells. "And you want to leave it to them while we go have some pie?! Great idea, Mobius."

"Sylvie, wait" Loki says, moving to stand in the middle of them.
"No, I won't wait. Come on, let's go get some pie! Why not? It's a great idea!" She remarks sarcastically. "Does it matter that the branches are dying."

You and Loki share a glance, both of you torn on what to do. Your heart ached for Mobius, standing there and letting her yell at him. You knew that Sylvie was probably under a lot of stress too.

"What do we do?!" You whisper to Loki, looking between the pair.
"Let it be for a moment."
"I don't really trust doing that, Loki. Incase you forgot, she tried to kill me earlier."
"I know, darling, but just wait. Trust me."

"Clocks don't tick at the TVA, do they?" Sylvie continued, meanwhile. She approached Mobius angrily, making you flinch to stop her but Loki holds his arm out to stop you.


"You found out you're a Variant, and you haven't even looked, have you? It's just another bad day at the office for you. Timelines are just lines on a monitor. Doesn't matter if a few disappear. Because you've never bothered to look if one of them was yours. Who cares if a few just disappear?"

Sylvie glared angrily for a moment before glancing at you and Loki. She looked you up and down, her eyes landing on where your wound would have been. She sighed, walking away.

"Enjoy your pie."

"You go after her" you turn to Loki, who then snaps a look at you.
"What?! Why me?!" He frowns.
"She tried to kill me. I'm still pissed. I have a promise to myself, always hold a grudge for by least three days" you smile.

"Fine" Loki sighs. "Talk to Mobius."
"I will" you promise him. Loki gives you a smile, planting a gentle kiss on your forehead before walking away to find Sylvie. You turn to Mobius.

"So" you start, but Mobius shakes his head.
"Don't. She's right" Mobius frowns. "I just don't want to see what I could have had, knowing that it got taken away from me. You know? And I know it's stupid-"

"It's not stupid" you argue, walking over to him. "How about we talk about this over-"
"Pie?" Mobius questions. "No thank you."
"I was going to say hot chocolate" you shrug. Mobius thinks for a moment before nodding in agreement.

You passed Mobius his cup from the machine, waiting for yours while he took a sip.
"I mean it" you start. "It's not stupid. You don't want to see everything you missed, I get it."

Mobius didn't talk. He simply sipped his drink sadly, very obviously trying to avoid your gaze. You took your drink, now finished, walking over and leaning on the wall next to him.

"When I first came here, you took me and Loki to a room to interrogate us. You showed us glimpses of our lives, you remember?"
"Yeah I do. You two hated each other back then, now you're clinging to each other like life support" he laughs.

Chaos - Loki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now