Chicago 1893

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'Loom status elevated' the system was saying. The group of you were in the familiar blue room by the loom, staring at a computer as O.B had made his fear of dying very clear.

"So, how do we get in?!" Loki stressed.
"Without He Who Remain's temporal aura, I don't know" O.B panicked. He started walking, all of you following him.
"How much time do we have?" You ask him quickly.

"It's stable right now, but the branches Dox pruned are growing back. So if we can't get in there and increase the diameter of the Loom's intake ring enough to boost throughput and clear that knot of unrefined time.."

"O.B" you cut him off, making him turn to you. "Simpler please. We're not all brainy like you" you smile. O.B sighs.
"We need to scale the Loom's capacity to manage all those new branches, otherwise it will fail. And the TVA will be destroyed!" He explains, simpler this time. "And we're all gonna die!" He adds.

"There has to be another way" Loki says, almost desperately.
"We can hack into the system" Mobius suggests to him, but O.B clearly took it the wrong way as his face lights up.
"Really?! Oh that's such a relief!"

"No, I'm wondering" Mobius quickly cuts him off.
"What?" He frowns.
"I think he meant it was an idea" Loki chips in.
"Can we?!" Mobius asks as theres a sudden rumble coming from the Loom.

"No" Ouroboros answers. "We're all gonna die still."
"How painful would it be?" You ask him. "When we die?"
"Love, we aren't going to die" Loki tells you.
"I'm just wondering! My death of the timeline was pretty nasty, I'd rather know if I'm going to die like this that I at least avoided a more painful death."

"We'll all probably turn into spaghetti" Ouroboros smiles at you. You smile back sarcastically.
"Great" you cheer.

"No one's gonna die. There has to be a viable option" B-15 yells over to you all.
"What about miss minutes?" Casey suggests. "Can she open up access to the Loom?"
"Miss minutes! What about her?!" Loki asks O.B, who thinks for a moment.

"Conceivably. She has administrator access to the entire TVA" Ouroboros tells him.
"She has access to the whole universe. Doesn't really matter if she's gone, and she's AWOL" Mobius points out.

"How the fuck are we going to find a cartoon clock that doesn't want to be found?" You ask. Nobody answers as a loud creaking noise is heard coming from the Loom. "Well that can't be good."

"I'd say the sooner we find her, the better" Loki says as he starts walking down. You and Mobius follow behind him.
"We know Miss Minutes sent information to Renslayer and then we never saw her again" Casey says.

"The two hits we had on the TemPad trace" B-15 points out.
"We find Renslayer, we find Miss Minutes" you nod. Mobius sighs.
"That's gonna be an awkward reunion. Face to face with the women who tried to kill us all" he turns to you and Loki.

"Maybe she got it out of her system" Loki shrugs. "But lets focus on that cartoon clock."

"We're heading to the 1800s, meaning we're gonna need to wear some older clothing. We've gathered clothes as evidence a couple times, lucky for us, for men and women" Mobius says, opening the locker and taking out some clothes.

He turns to you. "Unfortunately, women were expected to wear things that you don't particularly care for" he frowns.
"I know. Just give me the outfit and let's get this over with" you sigh, taking your clothes.

 Just give me the outfit and let's get this over with" you sigh, taking your clothes

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