The New Finale

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5 years later.

You gently sung along to the music in the kitchen, finishing the lunch you were making and putting it into a lunchbox. Turns out, Midgardian music actually isn't too bad.

You walk from the kitchen, seeing Loki sitting at the table with your daughter, Levina Lokisdóttir. The two were colouring together, talking about whatever nonsense Levina was coming up with.

Your daughter looked a spitting image of Loki. Her hair was long and a jet black. She had all of Loki's features. She acted exactly like Loki too. She was, literally, a mini Loki. However, she had your eyes. Loki mentioned that every single chance he got.

Loki turns to see you, smiling instantly. "Lev, mummy has your lunch" he gestures to you. She turns around in her chair, climbing slowly off it and running to you.

You hand her their lunch, grabbing her coat. You kneel down, putting it around her and slowly doing it up, giving her a kiss on the head once you were done. "Why don't you go and grab your school bag and shoes and daddy will help you with those" you say.

"Ok!" She smiles, running to her room to grab her bag. You watch her go, growing so fast, feeling Loki's hands snake their way around your waist. His lips met your neck.

The two of you had, in-fact, gotten an apartment in New York. Turns out, not many people recognised Loki without the big golden horns. People hadn't known Loki's name, only 'The God of Mischief'. It was easy to blend in as normal parents, taking their child to school.

Also, everyone in the universe presumed the two of you dead anyway. So nobody questioned it really.

The two of you had married, much to Thor's amusement. You let Thor's daughter be the flower girl. Thor was best man after winning in a race against Mobius. It was a tad unfair, but it was fun to see.

The two of you had started your family very soon after moving into the apartment and were thrilled when it was a girl. Thor seemed to be happy with the name chosen.

Once learning what a janitor was, you both decided that it wasn't the career choice for Loki. He became a lawyer, which he enjoyed since he always won his cases. Loki liked winning. A lot.

Every now and again, you'd invite Thor and Mobius around for games nights with their kids. Loki always won (by cheating) and always rubbed it into Thors face. Thor never actually understood so it was easy for him to cheat. Mobius knew, but didn't say anything.

Life was exactly how you wanted it to be. You still had to maintain the Multiverse, meanwhile, but everything was perfect. You were living a normal life with Loki, who now hugged Thor every time he saw him. He had some new love for physical contact but only with the people he trusted.

"Are you happy?" Loki whispers. You knew he was smiling before you turned around, placing a sweet kiss on his lips.
"I am" you say. "Never been happier."

"I'm done!" You hear Levina, both you and Loki turning to her. She had tried to put her shoes on herself but they were on the wrong feet. You laughed.

Loki was laughing too, walking over and picking her up. He walks her over and sits her on a chair, taking the shoes off. "I think we should teach you which foot is which" Loki smiles, putting the shoes on the right feet. "What are you learning in school today?"

"Addition. It's boring" Levina frowned. "Can you help me, daddy?"
"Uh.." Loki turned to you. He had absolutely no idea what addition was.
"Don't look at me!" You laugh, leaning against the wall and watching the scene.

Chaos - Loki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now