The Hard Thing To Do, Is The Thing That Has To Be Done.

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Sylvie pinned you up against the wall, raising her sword. Loki grips her wrist to pull her back, making her fly her head backwards in his face, turn around and drive her sword into him.

"No!" You scream.
"Stop her!" Loki yells to you as she runs towards He Who Remains. "I'm fine! I promise!"

You run over, blasting her back into the wall. You grip her shoulders quickly, keeping her against the wall. The tip of your blade against her stomach, and...

"I think you may want to check on your boyfriend instead" she snarls. Your eyes widen, turning and seeing him bleeding heavily again. "Go on. Kill me."

You use your sword, driving it into your side. Sylvie looked horrified, but you just let her go and allowed her to go after He Who Remains.
You limped over to Loki, shaking your head and showing him your wound. "Again" you say.

It happened. Again. And again. Many different outcomes. Whenever Loki ended up ok, you got down to being able to kill Sylvie, you always hesitated. Sylvie was another version of Loki. Another version of the man you loved.

Yet, every time she had nearly killed him, you had absolutely no issue in wanting to kill her. In fact, it drove you more. You were torn constantly. But, there was one way to stop her.

"If you want to stop me, you'll have to kill me."

You'd heard her tell you and Loki that countlessly. You knew you had to. Every time you lost normally and she got to He Who Remains, he never fought it. It was driving you nuts.

You blasted the girl back, Loki gripping her. She flung her head back and your stomach dropped, but he had finally learnt. He stopped her blade with his magic pushing her back. She blasted him instantly, turning to He Who Remains.

"Why do you never try to stop her?!" Loki screams at him.
"Exactly, fight back!" You yell, turning back to Sylvie. She aimed her sword at you, going to slash you but she suddenly froze.

Loki rushed over, looking confused as well.
"So," He Who Remains begun. "How many times have you been at this?"

"What did you do?" Loki asks him.
"Oh, come on! You're not telling me the two of you haven't learned how to pause.. time.. yet. I figured you'd be way past that! Now don't worry, lovebirds, she's ok."

"I don't care if shes ok" you snap. "She's pissing my off!"
"Right, I know why" he winks. "She is in the eye line a little bit, so why don't we just.." he flicks his TemPad, making Sylvie disappear.

"She's alive, right?" You ask him.
"Great! Send us back to the TVA, we'll be fine. And-"
"Oh, come on!"

"This isn't the first time we've had this conversation, is it?" He asks you.
"How did you know?" Loki questions him.

"I know about the slipping. And who do you think paved that road? Any guesses? Survey says.."

You sigh. "He Who Remains" you remark.

"Bingo!" He smiles. "Here you two were, slipping through time. Thinking you were sticking to the system. Gonna beat the man. And then.. whoop! Here he is!"

You looked down in defeat, your head falling into your hands. He Who Remains laughed.

"Kiddo, did you really think I was just gonna sit back and let her kill me? And that'd be it? Zip? Nada?! RIP?" He asks. You and Loki slowly walk over to his desk, standing before him.

"No, I told you. Reincarnation, baby" he smiles.

"We die with the dying. We're born with the dead" Loki says.
"Did dying 100 times do something to your head?" You ask him.

Chaos - Loki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now