Time To Be Brave

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"You're alive" you cry out, not letting go of Loki. "I thought something had happened to you!"
"I thought you were dead" Loki frowns, his arms also wrapped around you. "Mobius told me you had gone to find Victor and then we found nothing but the prune stick there! I thought they'd gotten you."

"You sure do think I die a lot" you laugh.
"Shut up."

"What the fuck" you hear Sylvie from the elevator, looking beyond starstruck. You both turn to her, pulling away and ending the small romantic scene you had displayed to her.
"I promise you, this will make sense" Loki tells her.

The phone carries on ringing as Sylvie squeezes her way through the elevator. You glance at Loki, gesturing for him to pick it up.

"Why do I have to?!" He frowns.
"You're closer."
"By a step!"
"Still closer, do it!"

Loki sighs, walking cautiously towards the phone. His hand travelled down, clutching the phone tightly. He was shaking slightly as he lifted it up...
"Hello?" He asks.

'About time! What's taking you guys so long?' Ouroboros's voice was heard.
"O.B?!" You question. "It's just O.B?!"
'Y/N?!' You heard Mobius. 'You're alive!'

"I told you I'd be fine" you smile.
"Miss minutes is sabotaging everything" Loki tells O.B, which was brand new information to you.
"What?" You question him.
"Catch up, darling."

'I could take her offline if I reboot the system'
'Yeah, reboot the system!' Mobius hurries him along.
'But we'll loose the entire safety system!'
'So what? What are we gonna loose?!'

'The security protocols will go down.'
'Like what?'
'Like the dampeners that prevent people from using magic in the TVA! We'd have to turn that off too!'

At first you were enjoying the bickering between Mobius and O.B, until you heard that. You, Loki and Sylvie all looked at one another before going back to the phone.

"TURN IT OFF!" You all scream in sync.

The three of you formed a quick plan the second Ouroboros promised to turn it off. Sylvie was in position, ready to enchant Brad when he came out. Your powers weren't back yet, so you waited beside Loki before getting into position.

"It's almost over" you point out, the two of you slumped up against the wall. Your head was tiredly on his shoulder, his head leaning on yours.

"It is" he smiles. "And you can finally find the perfect timeline for us when this is over."
"Us" you grin. "What does our timeline have, Laufeyson?"

There was a moment of silence, allowing Loki to think.
"Well, I haven't decided if we should live on Asgard or not yet. But I sort of want to go somewhere quiet. If we have a child is up to you. We eventually got married and grew old together in 3,500 years."

"Maybe we'll find a neighbourhood for you to rule in that time" you joke, making Loki laugh.
"Then I'd finally be happy" he plays along. "As much as I'd like to be king, I think I'd be happy anywhere as long as I was with you."

Your heart absolutely melted on the spot, the smile on your face was unbeatable.
"And, maybe Thor" Loki suggests. "I mean, not that I miss him, but I know he probably misses me. He seemed quite sad when I died and, well, I'm sure he'd be pleased if I were to return. But, anywheres fine. I don't really care. I mean-"

"You're allowed to miss your brother, Loki" you cut him off. "I know deep down you love him."
"I'm serious! I bet you can't wait to give him a big hug!"

Chaos - Loki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now