Alone In The End

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"There's nowhere left to go" Sylvie cries. You were back here, which you never wanted to be again. But, here you were. Loki raises his hand, freezing time around you all and slowly reversing it all.

"Whats happening?!" Sylvie asks.
"We're outside time" you tell her, but she looked absolutely horrified.

"We finally learnt to control the time slipping," Loki tells her. "We went back. We thought we could fix the Loom. It's a failsafe. It was designed to protect the Sacred Timeline and nothing else."

"Of course it is" Sylvie sighs. She looked angry now.
"We're out of options, Sylvie. We've tried everything," Loki tells her.

"The only way that anything survives..."

"Is if I never kill He Who Remains in the first place" Sylvie cuts you off. You and Loki nod. "So, you two have to kill me."
"Pretty much" you say.

She slowly walks towards the two of you, stopping nearly right in front of you. The two of you remained silent.
"I'm not giving you my blessing, if that's what you're waiting for" Sylvie says with a light chuckle.

"What do we do?" Loki asks. "It's the Sacred Timeline, or nothing."
"It's not enough to protect the Sacred Timeline, Loki. Even down there, it's full of death and destruction and injustice. Do you really wanna be the God who takes away everyone's free will so you can protect that?!"

"What good is free will if everyones dead?" You chip in.
"And who are you to say we can't die trying?!" She snaps at you. "Who are you to decide we can't die fighting, avenger?! Aren't you supposed to be the Hero?!"

You caught your breath at her words. 'Aren't you supposed to be the Hero?!' You were. Yet, you still couldn't do what had to be done. You still couldn't kill her unless she killed Loki first. Yet, she already had, it was stupid.

You kept thinking back to the little girl who had her life stolen from her at the TVA. But, that doesn't give her an excuse to kill Loki and the entire Multiverse just for her own revenge.
Also, you had killed someone before out of rage. Your father. You mostly didn't regret killing him, but would you her?! You were torn. Really torn.

"You're replacing one nightmare with another. Both of you!" She screams. "I grew up in apocalypses. I've lived through enough of them to know that sometimes it's okay to destroy something."

"If there's a hope that you can replace that thing with something better" Loki finishes for her. He suddenly freezes Sylvie in time, turning to you. "I know what needs to happen."
"So do I" you say, not daring to look at him. "I know what your thinking, Loki."

"I know it's mad.."
"It's not" you laugh, staring into space and letting the tears swell. "It's not.. it's the only way. We have to make the hard choice and replace it with something better."

You and Loki stayed there in silence, letting yourselves live in each others company, outside of time. You wipe the tear from your cheek.
"We better go then" you say. Loki nods, taking your hand and the two of you slip back in time...

'Welcome, He Who Remains.'

You struggle to move for a moment, hearing the blinds of the window go up. Seeing everyone looking out to the Loom with worry. All your friends.
You hear Loki take a step back, making you quickly grab his wrist and pull him towards you.

"It only has to be one of us."

His eyes meet yours, seemingly shocked. Yet, also sad. Sadness, anger, love, mourning already. All in one. He nods, stopping you as you tried to walk away.

Chaos - Loki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now