Doomed To Failure

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"Casey, we need to widen the voltage input and invert the temporal decay" Loki tells him, running up to the computers where Casey and O.B were. You watched from beside Mobius.

"What about the ion decoupler?" O.B asks him.
"It's fine. We're going to route it with the primary compartment" Loki informs him.
"Won't it overheat?" Casey asks.

"No, it won't overheat. It's gonna allow it to interface with Timely's adaptive exponential computing system" you call over to him, making everyone turn to you. "With all those upgrades, it will allow the Loom to scale the capacity to manage the branches."

Everyone was beyond confused, except Loki. They stared at you as if you had just killed some puppy. You sigh. "The rings!" You say. "The rings are too small! We're gonna make them bigger!"

"How do you two suddenly know everything?!" Mobius asks you. You shrug.
"There.. was very good education!" You say. "On.. Asgard. Well, Midgard, Asgard doesn't teach this stuff... wait, but it does! Cuz we didn't have education on Midgard, so it does!"

Mobius just nods along, turning to O.B. "Well, you better watch out O.B. Think some people are coming for your job."
"That's right. We're coming" Loki smiles. "O.B, watch your back!"

"Casey, get the Multiplier down to Victor as fast as you can" you call to him. "Go! Now!"

You were suddenly pulled to the side, along with Loki, being dangerously glared at my Mobius.
"What the shit are you two doing?!" He asks.

"Trust us" Loki smiles.
"Mobius, we know what we're doing" you tell him.
"No!" Mobius yells.

"Watch" Loki smiles, walking over to the computers.
"Loki, the helmet!" You remind him, making him nod and pick up the small speaker.

"Casey, don't forget to latch his helmet. Latch his helmet!" Loki reminds him through it.

You run down, as Casey runs up, getting ready to watch the scene through the window.
"Mr Timely's ready" you hear Casey say behind you.

"Yeah, we know!" You call back. Loki was typing quickly, hacking into the computer.

Access denied. Password required.

Password accepted.

"Yes!" You smile as Loki runs down, standing beside you.
"Here we go" he breathes out.

"Hang on!" You hear Victor's voice. "This all seems a bit.. r-rushed."
"Only to you," Loki says. "Trust me. If you stop, you die."
"Painfully" you add.

You grew anxious, practically jumping nervously as you waited for Victor to leave the blast doors onto the gangway.
"It's going to work" you hear Loki's voice, making you nod frantically.
"Right, it is! It better. It only took us centuries."

Loki's hand intertwined with yours in reassurance, the two of you watching as Victor steps out. He doesn't die instantly. Good sign.

"Get to the end of the gangway as fast as you can, and then load the Multiplier into the launcher" Loki tells him as the rest of the group gather around to watch. "Be brace. You're being so brave."

"He's doing it" you sigh in relief as he hits the halfway mark. You and Loki were smiling, hope now filling you. He was going to make it.

"That's it! One foot in front of the other" Loki tells him. "Before you know it, you'll be at the end of the gangway. Well done."

He was just one step away from the end, but you've seen this before. You grew slightly anxious.

"He did it" B-15 says. "He made it."
"Not yet" you tell her, frowning when you see him kneeling down to set the Multiplier down. You grab the speaker off Loki.

Chaos - Loki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now