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I wasn't going to do one of these in between chapters but I thought I'd explain how I'm going to do season 2 for you all - (SORRY!!)

Season 1 of this is officially over and I enjoyed writing it so much! I have written the first chapter of season 2 and I can say I'm really looking forward to publishing it tonight!

I wanted to make this, also, so people know when season 2 chapters start and know I'm not lying in my description that I'm doing season 2.

So season 2 chapters will be uploaded either every day or every other day. I have next week off after today so I'm going to write like mad for you all (and do homework, don't hate me if updates are late)

If my writing isn't as good it's because I don't know what's going to happen in the finale. I know everyones eager for season 2 which is why I'm writing as I go along so keep in mind I'm absolutely winging it.

Also, I'm going through some stuff. Not awful things don't be alarmed it's just kinda my insecurities coming back and I've always loved writing but it's also one of my insecurities if that makes sense? (What I'm going through has nothing to do with writing its other stuff.) But I love writing fics and actual stories too which is why I wrote this one to finish. But please don't judge me!

I already have some ideas and the first chapter will 100% be posted tonight as soon as I get home. I live in the UK so I get home after 5. Idk what that is for America so I'm sorry 😭.

I feel like I'm rambling a bit, sorry. But that's it, please don't be mad.

Also, to everyone commenting and voting for my stories or to everyone just reading every chapter THANK YOU SO MUCH!! You honestly mean so much to me and you make my day so much better when I see the notification of people voting and commenting. I don't receive many but I read every single one.

Also, once season 2 is finished, what would you think of having a few chapters of Y/N and Loki when they didn't get taken by the TVA? Let me know >>

Heres a sneak peak of the first s2 chapter:

Heres a sneak peak of the first s2 chapter:

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Once again, thank you!
Bye <3

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