A Plan of Action.

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You had changed back into your original clothes and shoes, sitting on Ouroboros's desk. Loki was still getting dressed while O.B was trying to bandage your wound.

"I'd take it easy for the next few days" he tells you. "You lost a lot of blood."
"I don't think I can physically take it easy right now" you remind him. You look over, seeing the small machine him and Casey had been working on. "You think that will work?"

"I hope so. Whoever takes it to the Loom, however, will have to be very fast. There's a lot more radiation now than there was when Mobius went out there!" He says.
"Wait, what?!"

"I've finished bandaging you up. You're all good" he smiles, turning away.
"No, O.B the radiation. How bad is it?"
"Oh, very. Dangerous amounts. That's why they'll have to be very fast!"

Before you could respond, Loki was suddenly entering the room. He was also back in his original clothes, making his way over to you to take a look at the bandage. "Does it still hurt?" He asks you.

"Well it did only happen like 15 minutes ago so I suppose it does" you joke, but he didn't laugh.
"You think you can stand?" He asks, still worried. You sigh, standing and ignoring the pain.
"Loki, I'll be fine. I can handle a bit of pain" you tell him, turning to Ouroboros.

"Thanks O.B" you smile.
"My pleasure" he smiles back.

Loki gently takes you out of the room, finding Mobius waiting for you.
"See, I told you, go to O.B and you'll be as good as new" Mobius says as you all start making your way to find Victor.
"He did what any other doctor would do" you respond. "Shouldn't you guys have a medical wing?"

"We aren't used to big injuries during missions so we never needed one" Mobius tells you.
"If not for O.B, she could've died!" Loki frowns. "I'm still concerned now, she lost a lot of blood and-"

"And I'm fine. I'm walking fine. Everything is fine." You say, but the three of you suddenly go silent. "Ok, maybe not fine. But it will be once we find Victor."

You turned the corner, spotting Victor and B-15 facing one another in the same room Mobius had taken you and Loki too when you time slipped. Victor looked terrified, but the three of you walked quickly down the corridor towards him.

"Just stop!" He begged, backing away.
"It's ok, it's alright" Mobius tells him, the three of you now moving slowly.
"What do.. what do you want from me?" Victor asks.

"Come with us, and we'll show you" Loki tells him gently.
"That didn't sound as reassuring as you hoped it would" Victor frowns.
"Listen, professor, I can only imagine what Renslayer and Miss Minutes have been saying about us, but it's not true" Mobius tells him. "Unless they said something good" he smiles.

"Look, Victor, here's the deal," you say. "You have to trust us, we don't have time!"
"I'm from C-Chicago, friend. The schadeocracy capital of the world. I don't.. trust a-anyone."

"I have absolutely no idea what that means. I'm from Asgard" you tell him.
"A-Asgard? Like... Thor and Odin?"
"And Loki, yes" Loki quickly adds. "Loki is me."
"Loki, brother o-of Thor?" Victor asks.
"Or just Loki" Loki smiles.

"Oh, it's a p-party, hello" Victor looks behind you all. You look behind you, seeing Sylvie walked down. You scoff, turning back to Victor while rolling your eyes. "The more the merrier. And you all want me. Miss Ravonna w-wants me. The.. effervescent clock-lady monster thing wants me. I.. should have some say."

"I don't disagree" Mobius reassures him. The lights suddenly flickered, making your heart drop. Everything was getting worse.
'Chronocentres 32, 81, 7 offline' The women's voice over the PA is heard.

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