Brad Wolfe

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'Brad' had been taken prisoner and was being put into the TVA jumpsuit, which you remembered all too well. Meanwhile, Mobius was getting actual fresh clothes for the two of you so you didn't have to return into your previous bloody ones.

He came out, handing you yours and had some overly joyous look on his face.
"What?" You frown.
"I have a surprise for you" he beams, suddenly running out the room.

"Oh god" you sigh as Loki takes a look at his new outfit. He had been given a much bigger jacket now too and you could tell he was going to look good in it.
"I must say, I quite like these suits that Mobius is giving me" he smiles.

"I liked my old suit, not my shoes" you say, having a look at yours. You smiles instantly. You absolutely loved it.

Mobius came running back out, his hands behind his back

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Mobius came running back out, his hands behind his back. You raised an eyebrow at him.
"Lets get this over with" you say, turning to him. He reveals his hands, your face lighting up.
"They're flats! Not heels! Finally found some your size, you're welcome" he says, handing them to you.

The three of you stood by Brad's cell, waiting for him to be taken over to you. You see him being taken down by B-15 and another minute man, in his TVA jumpsuit and collar. You wave sarcastically, Loki gesturing to the collar.
"Suits you" he remarks sarcastically.

"You must love this" Brad snaps.
"It's tighter than you think it's going to be, isn't it?" Loki carries on, still smirking.
"Yeah, I'll get you a looser one next time."

"What is this?" B-15 asks him, holding up the TemPad he had used to get away.
"That's a TemPad" he answered simply.
"What did you do to it?" You ask, crossing your arms defensively.

"I put colourful buttons on it for you" he laughs.
"You'll tell us if you found Sylvie when you've had time in your holding" B-15 says, threatening him.
"Right. Cause I'm a criminal, right?" He asks Mobius, who rolls him arms and gestures to the door.
"Get him in there" he says.

Brad is dragged down into his new cell and you watch it with glee, giving him a sarcastic wave goodbye when he looks back at you.
"I see X-5 didn't go quietly" the agent says.

"Quietly is not his strong suit. But he will talk once he's had time to marinate" B-15 says.
"What about this?" Loki asks, pointing to the TemPad.
"Have O.B check it out" she says, handing it to Mobius.

The three of you headed down to Ouroboros, walking through the corridors.
"You know, I realise how short you are now you aren't wearing heels" Loki comments. You turn to him, gasping.
"I reckon I could still beat you in a fight" you say.

"Oh? Care to test it out?" He smirks.
"Yes, let's go-"
"No!" Mobius cuts you both off, making you both turn to him. "God, it's like taking care of children!"

"You're just boring" you scoff, earning an eyeroll from Mobius.
"Yeah yeah, let's keep going."

The three of you make it to Ouroboros's room, walking in to see he isn't there.
"O.B?" Mobius calls out. "Hello?"
"If we don't hear a noise in 5 seconds he is 100% dead" you say, getting the boys to stay quiet for 5 seconds. "Yep, he's dead, let's go!"

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