We're All Selfish

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You and Loki walk through the Time Door, coming face to face with Sylvie. She had just finished her shift at McDonalds, getting into her car.

"This is going to sound strange," Loki tells her. "I know you don't know who we are-"
"Loki, of course I know who you guys are" she says.
"Uh, what?" You look at her, confused. "You do?!"

"Why wouldn't I?!"
"Nobody else did!" Loki explains. "Their lives were reset after the Loom.."
"Yeah, I know!" She cuts him off. "I was there!"

"I'm sorry, I.." Loki looked around for a moment, trying to gather his words. You sigh.
"Right, this wasn't how we thought this scene would play out" you tell her.

"No? What exactly were-"

She cuts herself off when Loki suddenly lets out a sound of agony. You scream after being startled and, for the first time, watching exactly what the Time Slipping had been looking like. Your eyes widen.

"Thats whats been happening to us?!" You yell.
"You..." Loki had turned to you. "How bad is it?"
"It was atrocious! No wonder Mobius was so concerned!"
"I want to see it too. Try time slip."
"I never want it to happen again. I mean, not that I did before, but especially now!"

"What the actual fuck."

You both turn to Sylvie, who's expression was beyond surprised.
"Ok.." she continues. "Get in the car. I'm buying you both a drink."

Your face lights up, only to drop again when you see the car.
"Uh, Sylvie, it's a two seater."

"Oh yeah" she looks at it. "Well, one of you has to get into the trunk" she points to it. "So, pick."
Theres a moment of silence before Loki turns to you. "I'll go in there it you want" he smiles.

You think for a moment before shrugging. "Okay!" You say, going to make your way to the front seat. Loki glared at you.
"Wait, aren't you meant to say 'no, it's fine!' And then tell me you'll go in the trunk instead?!"

"Well, I mean, I guess. But I'm not going to."
"Why not?"
"I don't want to it in the trunk. Now, get your tall ass in there!"

"Oh, Loki, just get in!" Sylvie tells him as you climb into the passenger seat. As Loki glares at you, you simply grin and give him the middle finger.

"Oh, you're such a child!" He complains.
"Thanks babe" you blow him a kiss.

"However, Mobius's life at the TVA was taken from him. So was B-15's, O.B's" Loki was explaining to Sylvie. The three of you were in a bar, very different to the one on Lamentis.
"Casey was prisoner!" You chip in.

"Yes, and they don't remember who they are!" Loki tells Sylvie. "Their lives matter. They matter."
"Yeah, and they're finally back in their real lives. That's a good thing" Sylvie tells you both. "Eric! Can we get a drink?" She looks at the bartender.

"But how many, if they had a choice, would have chosen to stay?" Loki asks her. "Mobius always said the TVA was the only life he's ever known and he liked it. It gave him purpose."

"It was never his choice to begin with, Loki" Sylvie explains. "He Who Remains did that."
"But Mobius should have a choice now" you point out. "Right? Shouldn't they all? To return to the TVA if they want."

"No, you would be ripping people from their lives, showing them something that they cannot un-see. What kind of choice is that?" She asks you.

"But they didn't get a choice in this!" You say.
"And we can't give it to them without you" Loki adds.
Sylvie simply shrugs, taking a bite of her food.

"You don't care" you say. "I guess not. I guess this all worked out the way you wanted it to and you're fine just walking away. It's so selfish!"

"Of course I'm selfish!" She laughs. "I want a life. I want to live. What's wrong with wanting something? What do you guys want?"

"We want to stop He Who Remains" Loki says.
"No, wrong" Sylvie tells him. "Try again. What is it that you guys really want. Come on!"

"We want to save this" you say. "We want to save everything. All of it. I don't have any selfish needs, I'm an Avenger."
"Oh, Y/N, even heroes are selfish. Is this really that hard?! Both of you, keep trying."

"I want to save the TVA" Loki tells her.
"I want the TVA back."
"What do you want?" Eric comes over to ask Sylvie.
"I want my friends back!" Loki finally says.

Sylvie nods but you've gone silent. "Three bourbons, please" Sylvie tells Eric.
"Excellent choice, Sylvie" Eric smiles, walking away.

"I want my friends back" Loki repeats himself. "I don't want to be alone again."

Sylvie smiles before looking at you. "And you?"
"What about me?"
"What do you want?"

You cock your head to the side. "I want a friend that doesn't stab me" you challenge her. She rolls her eyes.
"Ok, I'm sorry about that, fine. But, what do you really want. Same as Loki, or..?"

"I need the TVA back. Thats all."
"That's not all. Why?"
"So I can find a timeline!" You blurt out. "Okay?! I want to find a timeline so I can spend the rest of my life, peacefully, with Loki! Or, we just stay in the TVA. I just want us to feel safe."

"See" Sylvie says after a moment of silence. "We're all selfish."
Your drinks come over and get placed down in front of you all, to which you instantly down yours quickly.

"I know this is hard. But your friends are back where they belong. Away from the TVA" Sylvie tells you both.
"But without the TVA.. without them, where do we belong?" Loki asks her.

"We're all writing our own stories now" she tells you both. "Go write yours."
Sylvie stands from her seat, walking out the bar and leaving the two of you there. You slump your head onto the desk.

After a moment, you raise it again, looking down at your empty glass. "Midgardian drinks are so weak" you frown, turning to Loki. He seemed to be very deep in thought.

"She's right" Loki tells you, fiddling with his empty glass. You sigh, leaning your head on his shoulder.
"Well, if we're writing our own stories, we can start here" you suggest. "Go to a random timeline and just be normal civilians. Maybe you can he a janitor."

"Whats that?"
"No idea. Some Midgardian job and it sounds cool" you shrug.
"Maybe. We can in New York and hope nobody recognises me" he laughs.

"We can just go to a timeline where it never happens. We can just be regular people living in an apartment, having normal jobs and growing old together. No more fighting, no more bullshit, Loki, we'd be free. Everything we talked about going on real dates, going on a ferris wheel without being stabbed! Maybe we can get that double seat bike and ride ourselves to work on it."

"The last part if pushing it a tad" Loki tells you. "But, maybe we have a kid."
"Oh yeah? Whats their name?"
"Beg your pardon?!"

"It's what my mother was going to originally name Thor if he was a girl. Although, the names unisex, so it doesn't particularly make sense."
"Ok, we have a girl called Levina. We live in a New York City apartment. We get married. Your a janitor.. or whatever else!" you smile.

"What are you?"
"A stay at home mother" you tell him.
"Perfect" he smiles. "Now to.. go back to our friends."
You sigh. "Yep."

A/N - Still praying for that happy ending!
Also, I sit my history exam in 2 hours and I know absolutely nothing so yay!
I'm gonna fail A-level and not get into uni HELP-

5 more days and the Loki season 2 has officially finished. Am I scared? No! (I'm terrified.)

Also, next chapters short. I split this and the next one in two so I'd have more chapters to upload I'm sorry 😞.

Hope you enjoyed!
Thanks for reading.
Bye <3

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