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The three of you made your way down the stairs, Mobius in front and you following just behind him. Loki was quick on your pace, telling the two of you off.

"What was that?" He asked, catching up.
"Nothing" Mobius answers.
"You ok?"
"I'm fine."

"Fine," Loki turns to you instead, gently taking your wrist to pull you closer to him so you could hear him. "What happened back there?" He asked you.
"Nothing. I'm fine" you answer him.
"It was all tactical" Mobius calls back to him.

"Seems like he got under your skin. Both of you" he says, but Mobius quickly denies it.
"He didn't get under my skin. He got under your skin" Mobius snaps. You stayed quiet, allowing the boys to talk and honestly not trusting yourself to talk too much.

"Mobius, are you all right? We've never seen you like this before" Loki tries.
"Seen me like what?!" Mobius snaps.
"I'm not judging!" Loki defends himself.

"Feels like you are! Look, I told you I can play the heavy keys and I can- where are we?" He asks himself as you all enter a random room he didn't recognise.
"I was following you" you shrug.

Mobius turns to you, looking frustrated. "I was following you!" He complains. You glare daggers at him, confused but also annoyed.
"Mobius, you were clearly ahead of both of us" you say, making his groan dramatically and look away.

Loki looked between the two of you, sensing the rising tension. The tension wasn't between the two of you, it was coming off you both individually. He knew Brad had gotten under both of your skins and he intended to make sure you were both alright.

"How about a slice of pie?" Loki suggests, making both you and Mobius turn to him.
"Fine" you say.
"Key lime" Mobius confirms as the three of you begin walking into the small cafeteria.

You all sat around a small, round table. You sat beside Loki, as Mobius had insisted way too many times, while Mobius sat opposite. You were all digging into your pies, eating in silence until Mobius happily broke it.

"It's really good" he smiles, taking another bite.
"It is" Loki smiles back. His arm was resting on your chair behind you, which you didn't mind.
"Listen," Mobius looks up at the two of you. "That wasn't tactical. I lost it."

Loki's expression softened, placing his spoon down onto his plate. "It's okay. It happens. Sometimes the rage builds up and you just gotta let it out."

Both you and Mobius remain silent. You could definitely, for one, understand what Loki was saying. It was fairly obvious to both of them when you got mad and how often you did too. Loki seemed to sense the dullness coming off the two of you.

"Look, do you remember that time I was so angry with my father and brother, I went down to Earth and I held the whole of New York City hostage with an alien army? Tried to use a Mind Stone on Tony Stark and that didn't work so I threw him off a building" he says. That lightened you up, making you smile at the memory. It seemed like ages ago you were fighting him.

"Let me tell you," he turns to you. "It wasn't tactical. I lost it"
"You don't say" you joke, making him smile more before he continued.
"Sometimes our emotions get the better of us."

"You can say that again" Mobius joins in. Loki saw how down you suddenly looked and it pained him because he knew why. He worried that you had believed Brad and decided he'd talk to you privately later. He turned to Mobius.

"Let me ask you something. X-5, he obviously touched a nerve, right? You've never wanted to visit your place on the timeline?" Loki asks him. You looked up at Mobius as he sighs.

Chaos - Loki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now