An awful ride.

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"Just wait for a second!" Loki pleads with Sylvie. The door on your cart closes, leaving the 4 of you trapped in there. You were shielding Victor behind you in a state of panic.
"You've both done enough" Sylvie yells. "Get out of my face and let me finish the job!"

Sylvie goes to stab you, hoping to get Victor through you instead. Loki quickly grabs her just in time, blasting her back as Victor screams. You look up at her in shock.
"What the fuck was that?!" You scream.

"Me trying to kill him! You're just an obstacle in the way" she spat.
"Really? Just an obstacle?!" You frown. "So everything just means nothing to you?!"

"Oh, don't give me this bullshit, Y/N! When you showed up out of nowhere to ruin my life, you asked me what I would do if one of his Variants turned up. And I told you then, I'd kill him!"

She goes for you again, but you move both you and Victor out of the way this time. Loki instantly takes Victor off you after seeing what Sylvie was doing.
"What's g-going on?!" Victor shakes.

"We need him!" Loki reasons with her. "Without him, the TVA will be destroyed!"
"Good! Let it burn! Do either of you care about anything but the TVA?!" She asks him.

"T-The TVA?" Victor asks, taking a step forward and showing off his book. The TVA Guidebook. "The Time Variance A-Authority?" He turns to you.

Sylvie lifts her sword, going to slash him but you quickly blast her back.
"I know you just want to be left alone to live a life on your branch. I understand that" Loki tells her. "But if the Loom fails and the TVA is destroyed, there won't be a life to go back to! Not for you, not for anyone!"

"And we can't fix it without him" you add, pointing to Victor. Sylvie's expression suddenly turned sympathetic. She took a step towards you.
"So, I give him to you, you'll save my branch?" She asks.

"Yes!" You basically cry out in response. She was now face to face with you, nodding.
"Ok" she smiles. You smile back for a moment, before hearing Loki behind you.

"Y/N" he says in a warning tone. You realise then, your eyes widening as she pulls her sword back. You think fast, using your magic to push her sword to the side as she attempts to stab you, blasting her back after.

You keep your hand aimed at her for a moment, breathing out shakily as you look down at the side of your stomach. She had caught you, slashed your side open and you watched as your outfit was turning a shade of dark red. You quickly put your hand over the wound, looking back up at Sylvie.

She was already up again, lifting Victor up with her magic while Loki had some helpless look on his face.
"Sylvie.." you beg.

"Stopping that place from being destroyed and fixing it are two very, very different things. And working with one of his Variants is not gonna get you either."

"Well, your machete hasn't solved any problems thus far" Loki snaps back at her. He was torn between standing between Sylvie and Victor to save the universe, or rushing to your side.

"Do you think I want to be here? Do you think I'm gonna get any joy out of killing that man?!"
"Then don't!" You scream at her, your hand now drenched in your blood but you decided to try and ignore it.

Sylvie used her magic to grab Victor's book from the floor, throwing it to Loki. "Where do you think he got that book?" Sylvie asks him. "If you and the TVA hadn't messed with him, he'd have remained harmless. But instead, you weaponised him."

"What are you talking about?!" Loki asks him.
"Renslayer set him on a path that he wasn't meant for. And now you two are waltzing him straight back into the TVA! The thief of all free will! The most dangerous man who ever lived!"

Chaos - Loki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now