In Every Timeline, Multiverse, Till the end of Time.

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Sylvie leaped forwards towards the man but you quickly rise after her, grabbing her arm before she could kill him. She grunts, turning to you and holding the sword to your chest. You try to back away as she follows you.

"What are you doing?!" She asks you angrily.
"Sylvie, hang on a moment!" Loki rises from his seat as you grab Sylvie's wrist gently.
"Let's just talk about it" you say to her. She shakes her head.

"Well, how about we finish what we started.. and kill him!" She pushes past you but you quickly blast her down before she reaches him. She quickly stands, running towards you and going to slash you which you quickly dodge.

Both your swords connect, both your faces dangerously close to one another. Loki stared nervously but stayed near He Who Remains to stop him from being killed.

"What if he's telling the truth?!" You ask her.
"So what?" She snarls.
"I believe him!" You say.
"Believe what?! That a bazillion boogeymen will turn up just because we give people free will?!"

She grabs your wrist, pulling your arm down and kicking you back by your abdomen. You groan, quickly kicking her feet and making her fall to the ground. You run and stand by Loki, watching as Sylvie stands angrily.

"He's a liar, guys!" She screams in frustration.
"So am I!" Loki yells back. "And I don't think he was lying. Not about that. Insane? Yes. But maybe he was telling the truth.."

"Better hurry. Timeline's already branching!" He Who Remains chips in. You snap a look at him, walking towards him slowly. You lean into his face, over the desk.
"I want not another sound out of you until I've finished dealing with this shit over here" you say, turning to Sylvie.

"Listen, Sylvie, all we're suggesting is that we think about it" you tell her.
"What precisely is there to think about?!" She asks you.

"Weren't you listening to what he was saying? That's the gambit. Remove the dictator and what fills the void?" Loki tells her. Her face suddenly lights up in realisation.
"Ah.. you want the throne" she accuses him before turning to you. "And you just want to live here with him. You just want happiness for yourself. You're selfish!"

"No!" You gasp. "That's not it, no!"
"I don't believe you two" she frowns.
"Sylvie, the universe is in the balance, everything we know to be true. Everything. I know the TVA has hurt us all, but what if by taking him out we risk unleashing something even worse?" Loki asks her. He looked worried.

You smile at him. He had truly changed since New York.
"Listen," you say to her. "All we're suggesting is we just take a minute to think about it."

Loki nods in a agreement. "I promise you, from my heart, this isn't about a throne" he chips in.
"What was I thinking trusting you two?" She looks over at you. "Had this whole thing been a con?"

"Really?! That's what you think?!" You laugh, walking towards her slowly. You were now face to face, looking into her outraged eyes. "Sure. Evil Loki and Y/N's master plan comes together. You never trusted us, did you? You never actually cared."

You prayed she'd stop you and say she did. Tell you that you were wrong but she didn't. She just kept staring. You sigh.
"Fine, yes. He just wants a throne. I'm just the selfish nobody who wants to live the rest of my days in some creepy warehouse. Listen to yourself!" You beg.

"Can't you see?!" Loki asks from behind you. "This is bigger than our experience.
"Why aren't we seeing this the same way?" Sylvie asks him, genuinely confused.
"Because you can't trust," he responds. "And I can't be trusted."

"Then I guess we're all in a pickle" Sylvie tells you both. You back away, lifting your sword up.
"Sylvie wait" you say, trying to stop her. "Wait-"

Chaos - Loki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now