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She looked almost peaceful sleeping.
Like an angel.
Even with her bruised face.
Simon couldn't help but watch her sleep.
It gave him a strange feeling of comfort.
She was here, she didn't had thrown him out like he imagined.
He sat in the chair next to her bed, still holding her hand.

He was tired.
He hadn't slept till they came back.
He couldn't.
He was too afraid that when he would wake up she would be gone.
But even he couldn't help the tiredness in his body.
He had leaned forward, resting his arm on the edge of her bed, his head on top of his arm.
His eyes slowly closing.
Sleep washed over him quick.
His other hand still on hers.

He woke up because she was squeezing his hand.
He lifted his head.

„Is everything..."

he stopped.
She was still sleeping.
But she looked in pain.
Her face was covered in sweat, her breath was heavy and shallow.

„No no no please"

she mumbled under her breath.
Simon immediately sat up straight.
He brushed a loose strand out of her face.

„Hey Liz. Liz please wake up. It's a dream."

he gently caressed her cheek.
She woke up with a big loud sigh, sitting up immediately.
She grunted in pain as she sat up.

„Hey hey easy! Take it slow!"

his voice was concerned but soft.
She was panting looking panicked through the room.
As her gaze fell onto Simon she stopped.
Her eyes filled with tears.
But she said nothing.

„It's ok. You're safe."

he said quiet.

„You need anything? Should I get Vanessa or a doctor?"

he held her hand even tighter.
She just shook her head.
She leaned back making a painful grimace.

„No..I..I just dreamed. Just a memory."

she panted silent.
She looked away, clearly avoiding eye contact.
It broke his heart that she clearly wasn't comfortable enough to speak with him.
And how could she be after all he had done.
He just nodded.

„I can see you haven't slept. You don't have to sit here."

her voice was low, full of pain.

„I will be here for you. No matter what. I don't care if I sleep or not. This is not important"

„Yes it is. I don't want you to torture yourself just because of me. Nothing changed. I'm still an annoying kid right?"

she stared at the ceiling.
His mind was racing, a tight clenching feeling in his chest.

„Everything changed.
As I said I'm sorry.
I didn't meant any of these words.
I mean yes you are annoying, but in a good way.
I missed every annoying comment and every stupid joke of you.
And I will do anything to prove you that I mean it.
But the main priority right now is that you heal.
You just went through a pure nightmare.
And that's not something to joke about.
We will adress the matter between us two when its the time for that. But for now please let us take this to the side and concentrate on your well being."

He looked at her.
He couldn't read her face at all.
After some silence she looked at him.
Her deep blue eyes scanning his face.

„Alright. Peace for now. But I'm still mad at you Simon"

her tone was way more friendly.
But her calling him Simon gave him hope.
He instantly smiled.

„And now go sleep for fucks sake. I can't sleep knowing you're here torturing yourself"

her eyes were soft.
She was clearly worried.

„Im not gonna leave you alone here. This is not gonna happen."

Simon said in a serious tone that didn't allowed any arguing.
She let out a big sigh.


her tone got even more worried.

„This is about you not me Liz. I can sleep here in my chair. I will try. I promise."

he leaned back forward and placed his arm and head back on the bed.
She roled her eyes.

„Alright. I can't convince you anyways. But you will go and sleep sometime tomorrow. Promise me!"

she poked his forehead but smiled softly.

„I promise ma'am"

he smiled slightly.
It was almost like it used to be.
Except it wasn't.
And he knew.

„Thank you Simon."

she whispered softly.

„Don't. I would do anything for you"

he whispered back.
They stayed silent.
She quickly fell asleep again.

Her breath more steady, and her face peaceful.
Simon relaxed and drifted off into a light sleep.
Always ready to act if she needed him.

He was sure, she was the one he wanted.
He couldn't bare losing her.
He hated himself that he was so stupid and only realised now.
He would do anything he could so that she would forgive him.
She made his life so much better.
He couldn't bare a life without her.

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