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Weeks passed.
One, two missions followed.
She was good.
He had to admit that.
But he had never met a person that annoyed him like she did.

She was feisty, arrogant, loud, annoying.
And most of all she couldn't hold back her mouth.

The two always ended up in a loud argument. Sometimes he even had fun with
He knew exactly how to trigger her.
But most of the time he avoided her.
She was like everything he was not.

She was kind, caring, outgoing, bubbly, even with the mask she always seemed to smile.

It made him sick.

She quickly became friends with all the nurses.
Since they were the only women in the base.
But also all the other recruits seemed to like her.
Most of then we're just horny idiots.
But the team really seemed to like her.
Siren, Soap and Roach were like little kids.
They and their shenanigans went on Ghosts nerves.

Even König loved her.
He sometimes followed her like a lost puppy.

But it had its benefits.
He was much calmer around her.
He seemed really comfortable with her.

Ghost often saw them in the evening outside taking a walk and talking.
She was actually a treat for the missions.
They went smooth.
She actually had a good hold of the boys.

There was less chaos than it used to be.
Except that she always had to argue with him over the smallest things.
It made him furious even thinking about it.
Even in trainings she seemed to want to be better than him in every way.

It was bloody annoying.

Almost a year passed.

It was shortly before Christmas.
Price announced that they got 2 month off time.
The December and January.
Everybody was allowed to go home.
To their family's.

Ghost knew he would stay in the base as always.
He had no family.
No where to go.
But the peace of the base was all he needed.

It was only a couple of weeks left till Christmas.
Almost everyone had left the base already.
Just his team was still there.
They always left shortly before Christmas.

It was morning as he walked into the kitchen.

He stopped his track as he saw Siren standing in the kitchen.

He was confused.
She looked different.
But he couldn't figure out what it was.

Maybe her hair?
It was open not braided as usual.

Her clothes?
She was in sweatpants and a thight crop top not her cargos.

Her back was facing him.
She seemed to prepare something but be couldn't quite see what it was.
He came closer taking a cup out of one cupboard.
He turned on the kettle and leaned against the kitchen counter.

„Morning lieutenant"

she said in a distanced tone without even looking at him.
He just grunted.

He watched her prepare some kind of batter.
The light hitting her hair.

How did she manage to get it always this shiny? Nevermind.

Her hands stopped his track.
This was new.
She suddenly had long black fingernails, she wore some silver rings, and bracelets.
He leaned closer.
He grabbed one of her hands and pulled them closer.

„Are you good?"

she snarled.

„They're press ons. Easy to remove. No need to freak out. Since there is no training in our free time I can have them"

she said cold.

„No need to exp..."

he didn't even wanted to criticise her nails.

At that point he looked up.
In her face.
Her whole face!
She wasn't wearing her mask.
He just stared at her.

„Am I this ugly?"

she laughed teasing.

He always had known she must be pretty but her face was something else.
Her skin naturally pale, full lips, an extraordinary smile, exceptional sharp canins.

„No. I mean. They look good. It's just unusual"

He relied short and let go of her.
How could someone so pretty be so bloody annoying?

He stepped back and made his tea.
He had to look somewhere else.
He could not just stare at her.
It made him dispise her even more somehow.

Code name: SirenWhere stories live. Discover now