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My stomach hurted painfully at his texts

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My stomach hurted painfully at his texts.
I had to focus.
I couldn't let my emotions lead me.

I was trained in this.
I was the example for such situations.
I had to forget how personal this was.
He was my target.
I had a mission.

The one thing I never wanted to do again.
One last time.
It would end with this.
All of this.

We drove back to the base.
No one said a word.
The tension in the air was palpable.

Back in the base I instantly stormed to our tent and threw my vest at my cot.
I didn't wanted to see all the disappointed looks.
The constructive words.
I needed to push everything away.
To be Siren again.

But I struggled.
This was to personal.
For a moment I doubted my decision to take my team. I would get them in danger.
But then I realised that I couldn't do it without them.
As good as I was I couldn't do this alone.

My head was full of possible scenarios.
Wich way I could go.
Wich way would help us.

I felt cold fingers stroke over my lips and parting them so I wouldn't bite on them.

„I don't really like the taste of blood love"

Simon said softly.
I looked up to him.
His presence alone calmed me down.
I leaned my head on his chest and took a deep breath.

„We got this. Yes this didn't went as expected. But see it as a good thing.
We know who the snitch is.
And when we get him I will destroy him.
And we will get him.
I know that.
Because you're one of the best soldiers I know."

His words eased my mind.
I wrapped my arms around his waist.

„I don't know what I would do without you. I would go insane."

„You are insane. But I like that"

I looked up.
He had removed his mask and was smiling down at me.

„You're the most insane person I know.
And I know Roach and Soap.
But their just stupid insane.
You're smart insane.
You see things no one else sees. You made it this far and you will get even further"

I had to slightly smile.

„I don't want the things I might have to do to affect us."

„We're an experienced team"

„No Simon. US"

He stopped.
He looked down at me and sighed.

„I trust you. Do what you have to do.
As long as you come back to me.
After all this we will think of a way this will never happen again. Just don't die."

I nodded and nuzzled my face back into his chest.

I had a way in mind.
It would be complicated and hard but it was a chance. Even if they wouldn't like it.
I had to try.
This way the civilians and my team would be safe.

In the late evening as everyone was already asleep I stepped outside to get some fresh air.
I just couldn't sleep with all this snoring and all these thoughts.

I walked around the base silently greeting the night guards.
I stopped at a spot from where I could see a beautiful starry sky.
I put my hands in my pockets and looked up.

„Can't sleep either?"

I asked as I heard someone approaching me.
I knew it was Alejandro.
I could smell his expensive perfume from far away.

„Not really."

He stepped next to me.

„We talked with Wolf. He's getting his man out of the town tomorrow. But he will be on call for when we need him"

„One time on the good side. Maybe we can convince him to do more good."

I chuckled slightly.

„You have quite an impact on some kind of men"

he added dry.

„Has its good and bad sides. I'm sorry you have to experience the bad sides"

I sighed.

„I'm gonna come with you. This is also my mission"

I looked over to him.
He was starring in the sky.

„I can't ask this of you. I don't wanna drag someone into this that has nothing to do with it"

„You're a good person Liz. And an even better soldier. When someone can do this then you. I'm not afraid. I'm sure we will get out there just fine"

He gave me a small smile and patted my shoulder. With that he left.
I kept standing there for a while.
Playing possible scenarios in my head over and over.

I would do anything to save these people and my team.
And I would not let him win.
This was the end game.

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