Youre mine

980 22 2

Simon and I hadn't really talked about the night.
And I really didn't wanted to.
I didn't wanted to make a big deal out of it.

We hadn't decided to talk about anything regarding our situation and I didn't even knew if I could handle that at the moment.

I was only glad that my relationship to Simon seemed back to normal.
We were friends.
Really good friends.

He helped me a lot.
Even if he sometimes was a bit too careful.
He slept over in my room a couple more times. Everytime my nightmares were unbearable.

We never talked about it.

It was November when I finally got the news that everything had healed just fine.
I was supposed to be careful with my leg and maybe use the crutches some more but all in all I was healed. As I came back from the doctors I found the team sitting in the kitchen.

„There are my children"

I joked waving them.
They all looked up.

„And? All facts now!"

roach said almost vibrating on his chair.

„Im healed! Everything is fine. And after Christmas I am allowed to start training again!"

I made a little happy dance.
Everybody cheered and König lifted me up and squeezed me tight.
I knew he was holding this back since the incident.
He was too afraid to hurt me.
I hugged him back tight.

„How about we go get a drink tonight for that good news"

soap exclaimed.

„Yes perfect"

I laughed.

„No. Not gonna happen."

I flinched.
I didn't even notice Simon coming into the kitchen.

„Why not?"

I stemmed my hands on my hips.

„You still need your crutches. And you shouldn't drink. There will be too much people"

His expression was cold.
I could even see that through his mask.

„Please Simon. This one time."

„Yes Simon. Come on"

soap sighed from behind me.

„For you it's ghost!"

Simon barked at him.
I layed my hands on his chest and gave him the biggest blue puppy eyes I could make.

„Pleeeeeeeeeeease Simon, love. I mean you have to come with us anyways."

He sighed.
It worked, yes it fucking worked!
He roled his eyes and leaned down.

„How could I say no to that. But I have two conditions"

His voice was low and quiet so only I could hear him. His face was so near on mine I could almost feel his breath through both of our masks.

„And that would be?"

I said sweet still giving him puppy eyes.

„first no alcohol. You're still on pain killers and that's not a good combination"

„Alright I didn't wanted to drink anyways. That's fine with me. And the second?"

I got curious.

His look got slightly darker and I could see how he smiled under his Mask.

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