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Two days before departure we had a big meeting to get intel on the mission.

We would fly to Mexico.
A local task force would help us.
The name Alejandro Vargas was not new to me.
I heard about him but never met him.

A well known German terror group was in some sort of stupid war with one of the local cartels.
Since the cartel was one that had defected to us the military was there to help.

The Germans had taken over almost the whole town. Holding everyone hostage.

Women, kids, old people.
It was reported that they had a lot of injured people there that needed help.
Even hearing this made my blood boil.

I had worked against this group before.
I knew their leader.

Alexander Wolf.

This was when I knew why they had asked for me.
It was not because of the language barrier.
He was very fluent in English.
But he had a big thing for me.
His favourite agent.

I had met him on a mission when I was younger.
He wasn't even my target.
And even if he quickly figured out I was an agent he didn't snitched on me.
It wasn't his business so he didn't cared.

He was dangerous.
Very smart, charismatic.
But also cruel and bad with his tamper.
But he had also a weak point when it came to pretty women.

I met him again a couple of years later.
He made the mission miserable for me.
He liked playing games.
Making it hard.
But never to the point that I couldn't get out.
God I hated this guy.
His arrogance and lust for power were unbearable.

It would not be easy.
I knew it.
But at least we had to try.
To try and help this people.

The only thing that eased my mind was that I knew for sure that these people would not get hurt and further if we were careful.
He was no one to torture innocent people.
Use them to get what he wants?
Sacrifice them if he had to?
But hurt then just out of boredom?

After the meeting I stayed and gathered my files.
I noticed how König approached me.

„Na kleine Maus"

I looked up and smiled.

„You good? You made a weird face during the meeting"

he said carefully.

„Really? Oh sorry. I'm so used to wearing the mask i sometimes forget I don't wear it"

I chuckled slightly.

„Yeah but what was it about?"

„Oh just Wolf.
He's...well he's a hard case.
This will take time.
And....and Simon won't like it"

I sighed.
I knew how Wolf was.
Compliments all over.
Trying to lure me in.
And I would have to play along.
König sighed but I could see him smile.

„He will survive this."

„He has to. I'm not gonna let these poor people down."

He ruffled my hair.

„You're too good for this world, Sonnenschein"

I laughed and rolled my eyes.
And maybe he was right.
I had to focus.
I had to save these people, but I also had to look after me.

I wandered off to my office.
I still had to finish my schedules for the recruits.
I worked long.
As I looked on the clock I cursed slightly.

I couldn't find Simon anywhere so I decided to drive back home.
As I opened the door I paused.
Had I forgotten to turn off the light in the living room?
I stepped inside and smiled slightly.

It was Simon.
Laying on the couch.
Still in his uniform and mask.
He layed in a very unnatural position on the couch and was sleeping.
It looked like he had tried to wait for me.
I layed down my bag.
I crouched next to him and pulled up his mask gently and placed a gentle kiss on his lips.

He instantly grabbed my wrists and opened his eyes.
I smiled sweet.

„Just me."

I said quiet.
He relaxed again and grunted.

„I'm sorry darling"

„Don't be. I feel better knowing you still have reflexes"

I chucked.
He sat up and stretched a little.

„Why did you wait? You didn't have to"

I said soft and took of my shoes to climb on his lap.
He pulled me close.

„I didn't wanted to sleep without you"

he mumbled.

„Your head again?"

I asked.
I knew he was sometimes overthinking.
Getting worried over the smallest things.
Getting restless.
This was always the case right before missions.
And now I would come with them.
I could only imagine how much must go on in his head.

He nodded slightly.
His hands had a firm grip on my waist.
Not painful but moving was not possible.
I wrapped my arms around him.

„I'm here. And I'm not going anywhere. Let us try to sleep my love"

I cooed sweet.
He didn't let go.
He lifted me up like this and carried me into the bedroom.
He only let go of me so we could get changed.

I had forbidden him to sleep in his uniform.
I would not tolerate this lazy behaviour.

As I came back from the bathroom he was already in bed.
He always slept only in his boxers.
I crawled under the blanket and cuddled onto him.

He normally didn't liked getting held.
He would burry me in his arms and not let go til morning.
But this time it was different.
He shifted so his head would lay on my chest and he was only holding my waist.
I wrapped my arms and legs around him.
I played with his hair until I could feel his long and deep breaths that told me he was asleep.

I was kind of worried that I wouldn't only had to look after myself but also after him.
I knew he was tough.

But sometimes he lost it.
Especially when it came to me.
I hoped this wouldn't get a problem.
I had to talk to him about it.
There was no other way.

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