Consequences and a new mission

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I waited in my office for Prewet.
I was already filing his papers to get him out.
Soon it knocked on my door.


Prewet walked in.
He looked terrible but had this self assure look he always had.
I knew that his dad was a higher rank in the military. He always bragged about it.
But l had already called him.
I knew him very well and had him wrapped around my finger.
And even he was deeply annoyed by his own son.

„Sit down"

I said calm without even looking up.
I continued writing some minutes.
Ignoring his arrogant and impatient huffs.
Finally I looked up.

„You know what this is?"

I said waving with the papers.

„No what?"

„You're release papers."

I said cold and leaned back.
He huffed and raised his eyebrows.

„I don't think so. You know who my.."

„Yes I know who your father is.
I already called him.
You know that I used to work with him?
That actually he was the one that recommended me for this position?"

My face stayed cold.
His face shiftet into disbelief.

„You can't kick me out.
She hit me!
She should get kicket out!"

His face went bright red.

„Get yourself together Prewet!
We're in the military not in kindergarden.
You crossed so many lines.
And not the first time. And I have every right to kick you out."

I still stayed calm.
I had enough with him.

„Go pack your stuff. You're leaving tomorrow"

He got up and was about to say something.

„Oh I wouldn't start if I were you.
You know your father will come and pick you up.
What would he say if I told him that you insulted me further?"

My eyes stared right into his soul.
I could clearly see that he was considering wether it was worth it or not.
But he just left and slammed my door behind him.

I exhaled loud.
I hated to kick someone out.
We needed the people.
But we definitely don't need people like him.

I finished the papers and left to Proce office.
I came in to find him deep in thoughts.
I slightly knocked and he looked up.

„Everything alright J.P?"

I asked concerned.
He looked worried.

„Please sit down Lizzy"

I sat down eying him concerned.

„What is it? Come on out with the words"

He sighed deep and avoided eye contact.

„We need you for a mission.
And it will probably take long.
And you're probably our only chance"

he ruffled through his hair.

„Look when you don't want to, I will do anything that you don't have to go"

Before he could speak more I interrupted him.

It's ok. I can go.
That's still my job. So why me?"

He still looked so nervous.

„Because you're German.
No one else of us knows German.
And they explicitly ordered our team"

he said.

„But König knows German too"

I said confused.

„You wanna let him do negotiations?"

I held back a laugh.

„Yeah you're right.
So I heard right that we're all gonna go?"

„Yes. And you're really ok with that?"

„Yes Price.
Don't worry.
I got this.
You're worrying more than me.
It's my job and it's not like last time. Right?"

He relaxed a little and sighed.

„Im just nervous.
It's your first mission after that and it's gonna be a pretty long one probably.
I just wanna make sure you can do this"

„I can Price. And besides that.
You're all there too!
There's nothing to worry about"

I smiled at him.
He smiled back but it was a stressed smile.

„Come on Price.
You know the thing that happened to me is not normal.
How are the odds that something goes wrong again?"

„I know. But I'm still worried.
We still haven't found the snitch."

„And when the time comes we will find him. But till then I can still do my job.
Let me guess you already told Simon?"

His awkward silence told me he did.
I rolled my eyes.

„Price I love you.
But I'm not a kid anymore.
Please. I'm a grown up"

„That's exactly what Simon said. You two are really meant for each other"

„Oh well I chose the one with the brain"

I laughed.

„Alright alright. But please tell me when it's to much or you think something is odd.
I wanna get all of us through this safe"

„Of course! And when are we leaving?"

„Next week"

„Bloody hell. I gotta make over time to make some schedules for the rookies then"

I said raising my eyebrows.

„You already curse like a Brit.
You're turning into a mini Simon"

He laughed slightly.

„Oh I'm even worse"

I said poking my tongue out.

I left his office and found Simon waiting for me outside.

„So? For how long did you know?"

I asked raising my eyebrows.

„A week"

he mumbled.

„God Simon."

„So you said yes?"

„Of course. It's my job"

„Are you-„

„Yes I'm sure Simon.
Could all of you stop acting like I'm some kind of damsel in distress?"

I rolled my eyes.
He pulled me closer and wrapped his arms around me.
This was unusual.
We usually kept a certain distance at work.
It helped us separate all this.

„We're just worried. I can't lose you."

he mumbled into my neck.

„You won't lose me Simon. We are an excellent team. And we are all there."

He sighed deep.

„I know. It's just. I don't know. Maybe I'm nervous"

„Simon Riley? Nervous? I think that's a rumour"

I chucked slightly.

„Everything will be ok."

I cupped his face.
His warm brown eyes bored into mine.
He pulled up his mask and kissed me.

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