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Simon was boiling with rage.
Seeing Liz so afraid and uneasy.

This man was a thread.
What was he thinking?
That he could get his woman like this?
Not with Simon!

He comforted her the whole ride back to the base.
König also did his best but Simon could sense that König was almost as furious as him.

When Simon would find this guy he couldn't guarantee for anything.
Making her this uncomfortable, that she didn't felt safe in her own apartment.

But as they arrived at the base no one had seen James the whole day.
He didn't showed up and no one had heard from him.

This was not good.

Liz left with the photos to report this.
But when James wasn't there no one could do anything.
Hell knew where this bastard was.
This made Simon uneasy.

He followed Liz like a shadow.
He made sure one of the guys were always near her.
He wouldn't risk anything as long as they hadn't found him.

Because James had disappeared without telling anyone, the military investigated a little.
His flat was abandoned.
They only found more photos.
Along with a ton of love letters dedicated to Liz.

They were lowkey creepy.

Specific descriptions what he wanted to do with her, plans how he would get rid of Simon.

Simon felt a little guilty.
He should have intervened sooner.
Knowing that this man was a thread to her.

It all affected Liz very much.
She barely slept.
She was quiet.
Simon hated it.

He didn't cared anymore how early he had to be at the base.
He spent every night at home.
Next to her.
So she could sleep.

One week, two weeks passed and no one had heard of James.

Simon had a little hope that he had just gave up and left.
But Simon was still Simon.
He couldn't stop thinking about it.

He had a hard time to concentrate on the wedding planning.
What made him even more mad.
He was supposed to enjoy this.

The wedding came closer and closer and then it happened.

Simon and Liz came home after they had a date.
They had just picked up noctis.

Simon took off his jacket as Noctis was growling at something.

Immediately alarmed Simon walked back seeing Noctis standing in the hallway in front of the door and sniffing on an envelope.

Simon's look darkened and he picked the envelope up.

As last time there were a couple of photos.
More recent photos.

Mostly of Liz.
Even on base.
How had he managed to take these?
Simon's blood was boiling.

„Love? Is everything ok?"

Liz approached him slowly and gasped slightly as she saw the photos.


Simon came to a photo of himself.
Heavily crossed out.
He could practically see the rage James had.

Right now even he felt helpless.
What was he supposed to do?
He hadn't been able to stop him from coming so close to her.

„We are gonna report this tomorrow morning. I'm done with this"

Liz said snatching the photos out of Simon's hands.

„This bastard will not ruin my wedding or my life!"

She shoved them into her bag and pulled him close.

„I'm sorry darling"

Simon mumbled.

„don't be. It's not your fault. None of us saw him."

She said softly.

„Come on let's try to sleep"

with that he lifted her up and carried her to the bedroom.

They got changed and cuddled up together.
Even Noctis sensed the situation.
He layed right next to her bed side.
He looked like he was sleeping but he was tense.
Simon had a really bad sleep.
This situation haunted him.

He woke up because it smelled weird.
What was this?
Then he realised it.


And definitely not his!

He jumped up in bed and just saw James right in front of him.
And the next thing he felt was a knife deep in his shoulder.
He grunted and pushed James hard back so he stumbled on the other side of the room.

Before Simon could get up he saw something flying through the room.
James was hit with a knife right in his right leg.
Simon's head was hammering because of the pain.

„Noctis fass!"

He heard a clear voice.
Noctis jumped over the bed and brought James completely down.

„Simon! Simon oh my god are you ok?"

He looked over to Liz.
She was kneeling in bed, looking absolutely shocked.

„Love it's good calm down. Cover yourself and call the police please."

She nodded and hurried out of bed.
Simon could not really move his arm.
And he would definitely not just pull that knife out.

He looked at the whining James.
Laying on the ground, holding his leg and trying to fight off the growling and barking Noctis.
He definitely had some serious bite wounds.

„Get your fucking dog off of me"

„I don't fucking think so"

Simon growled back.

After some minutes Liz came back.
She was still in her underwear.

„Put some clothes on darling"

Simon muttered.
She nodded hectic and threw over some clothes.

„Noctis bewachen!"

she yelled.
Noctis stopped barking but still cornered James.
Liz got some towels to stop the bleeding on Simon's shoulder.

„Don't move Simon"

„Love this is definitely not the first time I've been stabbed.
And you know that.
Calm down.
Everything's ok"

He took her hand with the one hand he could move. She began to cry and nod.

„Yes yes I know."

„Liz look at me.
It's alright.
You remember the time you accidentally stabbed me because I walked in front of your practice?
This was way worse believe me"

he chucked slightly.

„Yeah. I felt so sorry even if it was your own fault"

He pulled her closer and placed a kiss on her forehead.

„It's ok. It's over. He can't hurt you"

„He's lucky I was sleeping and it was dark.
I wanted to get his stomach"

she grunted looking back to the panting James.

„Fucking maniac"

Simon muttered.

„She's not even safe with you! She belongs to me"

„Shut the fuck up!
I'm a soldier James!
I can look after myself!
And you are insane!
You need help."

Liz kneeled down to him and pushed the knife even further in his leg.
He howled and hissed looking up to her in shock.

„Should have told you she's crazy"

Simon laughed slightly.

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