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My heat was pounding.
How did he even get in here?

Shortly after the police and an ambulance arrived. They took James with them after i explained everything.
In the mean time I had also contacted the team.
They arrived after the police.

They brought Simon into the medical bay as he requested it.
He hated normal hospitals.

Soap packed us all in his big truck and drove us to the base.
Soap and Roach took Noctis and König, Price and me hurried to the medical bay.

Since I was just in some leggings and a tshirt Price wrapped his jacked around me.
I must have looked like a toddler that had tried to dress themselves.

I was still full of adrenaline.
I rushed through the door and nervously tapped the front desk.

„Where is he? Is he ok?"

The nurse tried to calm me down but I had to see him.
I got on her nerves so long until she guided us to his room.
They had already removed the knife and had stitched the wound.

„Simon! Love. Are you ok?"

I almost ran to his bed and inspected the bandages.

„Liz. Calm down already. It's nothing. Please"

he looked more concerned over my state than his.
I still was restless.
He grabbed my face tight and made me look at him.

„I said calm down! Now!"

he had his order giving tone.
And it worked.
I stared into his eyes and took a deep breath.

„I'm sorry"

„You have nothing to be sorry about.
This night was pretty shitty.
But you acted just right.
Because you're an excellent soldier.
And the most amazing woman on this earth"

I smiled slightly.

„Well I'm still mad I missed his stomach"

Simon laughed and pulled me into a kiss.

This nightmare was over.
I could finally concentrate on the planning.

Even though we wanted a really small wedding I underestimated how much effort this was.

A couple of weeks before the wedding I almost lost it. Vanessa and König had a hard time to convince me that everything would go well.

We wanted to do everything on the ranch of Price's parents.

That's where he had brought me after he found me.
I loved his parents like my own.
They were the happiest people in the world as I asked if we could do it there.
The ranch was beautiful.
And in late fall even more amazing.

We all arrived about a week before the wedding.
The house was big and it was enough room for everyone.
Noctis had the time of his life in the huge area.

Prices mom and Vanessa helped me to prepare the last things.

While Simon, Price and Price's dad were occupied the whole week to stop König, Roach and Soap from destroying everything on accident.

I still couldn't really believe it.
This was really happening.

We hadn't invited any more people.
These people were our family.

The night before the wedding Vanessa and Simon had switched rooms.
Vanessa slept in my room and Simon slept in Königs room.

The thought of these two giants in one bed made me laugh.
And I could tell Simon was really not happy about it. But everyone insisted on it.

But I just couldn't really sleep the whole night.
I was way to excited.
In a couple of hours I would call Simon my husband.

Liz Riley.
That sounded too good.

I had to think about everything the whole night.
Everything we went through.
These couple of years were such a ride.
And who would have thought that Simon and I would get married back then.

Probably no one.

And even though he was Simon ‚Ghost' Riley, he made me the happiest woman on earth.
And I think I also helped him a lot.

I mean who else would have convinced him to go to therapy with me?

There was nothing standing between us anymore.
And nothing would be able to separate us anymore.
I would die for this man.
And I knew for fact he would do the same for me.
Our own little family.
Our peace.

I looked over to Vanessa who was peacefully sleeping next to me.
These people were everything I had.
And everything I needed.

I slipped out of bed and made my way downstairs.
I just needed some water.
I grabbed a glass and poured me some water.

„Can't sleep either, soon to be misses Riley?"

I turned around and saw a really tired looking Simon.
I smiled bright.

„Absolutely no chance in sleeping"

I leaned on the kitchen counter and sipped on my water.

„This was a stupid idea.
I can't fucking sleep without my woman"

he grunted and pulled me towards him.

„Well you will have to find a way.
Can't have you fall asleep at our wedding huh?"

I chucked sweet.

„How could I? Not when you're there"

he murmured and kissed me.

„Does this all also feels so unreal to you?"

I asked looking in his dark brown eyes.

„Absolutely. I never thought I would get married.
Or that I would even find someone like you.
Someone I would love more than my own life. Someone that made me a better person"

I smiled bright and kissed him.

„Lucky for you I fell so hard for you.
I'm never going anywhere.
I belong to you"

His smile warmed my heart.

„Let's try to sleep"

I whispered.

„Easy to say for you. You don't have to sleep next to König"

he muttered.

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