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As he came to his room it felt empty.

He craved her.
He wanted to hold her forever.
But he also didn't wanted to rush it and maybe overwhelm her.
He could still feel the burning sensation on his lips.

He changed into some sweatpants and sat on his bed.
He looked up as his phone lit up.

*u still up?*
~couldn't sleep if I wanted to.~
~why aren't you sleeping angel?~
*can't. I miss you*

He couldn't help but smile.
She was so adorable.

~but I just left love~
*well then come back. I need you*
~say less~

He jumped up, grabbed a shirt and left whilst putting it on.
He almost ran to her room.
His heart was pounding.

This was it, she was his girl now.
And she wanted him to stay.
To be with her.

He slightly knocked.
Silence for a couple seconds before she opened the door.
Her bright smile warmed his whole body.
She had changed.
She was wearing some shorts and a oversized shirt.
He had never seen something so adorable.

He got in and immediately lifted her up.
She giggled slightly holding on to him.
He kissed her deeply.
He carried her to the bed and layed down with her.

They layed as always.
She on top of him, her head nuzzled deep into his neck. But this time were different.
This time she was really his.
He kissed her head like every few minutes.
He couldn't believe this was real.

„Hey Liz?"


she mumbled silent.

„Thank you"

„Stop thanking me Simon. When someone should be thankful it's me. You have done so much for me"

„No you don't understand"

He roled her down from him so they layed next to each other facing each other.
He brushed a strand of hair out of her face.

„I know I'm a horrible person. I have done terrible things in my life.
I'm broken.
And I know that.
Everyone is afraid of me because I keep pushing people away.
And still you are here.
Making me a better person.
Making me feel like a human being.
I don't even know if I deserve this"

His voice was low and full of emotions.
She gently touched his face and smiled.

„Don't be silly Simon.
You ARE a human being.
Everyone here has done terrible things.
I know life wasn't easy on you.
But that's the case for me too.
I'm also broken.
But together we can heal.
We can make each other better. And don't ever say you don't deserve this. Because you do!"

She placed a small kiss on his lips.
His whole body felt like it was on fire.
He never expected to find something like this.
But he was just too happy to have her.

„You make me feel things I thought I could never feel.
I will protect you and care for you no matter what it takes I promise. I...."

He hesitated.
He didn't wanted to say too much.
Was it right to say more?
Should he shut up?
She looked in his eyes and smiled sweet.
Good she was so perfect.

„You don't have to say it if it's too much for you Simon. But I want you to know that I love you.
I really do.
And that will never change.
I will be always there for you"

Her words hit him like a brick.
He just stared at her in disbelief.

Did she just say that she loved him?
Was she for real?
Of course she was.
She must be right?


He was hesitant.
He never in his life thought anyone could love him. This felt like a strange dream.

„Yes Simon. I love you"

She gently stroked his cheek and smiled.
He pulled her in for a deep kiss.
He couldn't believe it.
He would never let her go.
He would do anything for her.
He would give his life for her.

He pulled slightly back.
Both catching their breaths.

„I....i love you too"

He mumbled quiet.
Her face lit up.
It seemed like the sun had just raised in her room.
He kissed her again.
And again.
And again.
They layed there for what felt like an eternity.
She had cuddled onto him.
He was holding her tight.

They both driftet off into a deep sleep.
He never had slept this deep and peacefully.

As he woke up he had the bad feeling this was all a dream for a second.
Untill he felt her warm body pressed against him.
He pulled her even closer, nuzzling his face in her hair.


she mumbled sleepy.
He looked down and saw the cutest smile on earth.
He kissed her gently.

„Good morning angel. Did you sleep well?"

„I have never slept better"

she mumbled and slipped out of his arms.


he grabbed her and pulled her back.
She giggled loud.

„not so quick young lady. I'm not done here"

„Oh you aren't?"

She laughed and cuddled back onto him.
He wrapped his arms back around her.

„No definitely not"

he murmured and kissed her again.
His hands trailing up and down her back and playing with her hair.
They made out a long time.
Before she pulled back.

„I'm hungryyyy. I don't wanna miss breakfast. And price will be pissed when you don't show up to training."

She was right.
She always was.
He sighed.

„Alright. Even if I don't want to"

„Me neither but we have to."

She giggled and got up.
She disappeared into the bathroom.
He layed there staring at the bathroom door.
He felt cold without her.

After some time he got up and put back on his mask.

As she came out the bathroom she was wearing her usual cargos and shirt.
And still she looked stunning.

„You're so beautiful"

he sighed.

She just smiled.

„oh I can't wait to see the guys faces trying not to ask any possible question about last night right away"

She grinned and laughed.

„I would bet my mask that they stayed up really late just to spy on us."

He laughed.
He knew them too well.
They were nosy as hell.

„Wait. Let's prank them! Let's give them a real hard time!"

Her face lit up in a evil grin.

„What do you mean?"

he was curious.
The pranks the others always pulled were sometimes really heavy.
So he was very interested in paying them back a little.

„They probably wanna know everything and expect us to act all lovely. But what if we act like it went horrible and don't talk at all to each other. They will freak out"

„That's brilliant. I mean, I don't know how long I can keep this up because I don't think I will be able to control myself around you anymore but we can try for the morning"

He ginned.

„Alright it's still early. Go quick so they don't see you coming out of here"

she giggled.
He pulled her closer one more time, lifting his mask and kissing her.

He left.
He was glad to wear a mask.
So no one could see how he was smiling like a kid.

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