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As we arrived back home it felt strange.
I was alone.

Simon had insisted that he had to stay at the base to get some things done.
I wasn't very happy to be alone after what had happened.
But I knew I couldn't pressure this man to anything.

I made myself dinner and cuddled up under a blanket on my couch.
It felt weird.
This normal life.
I went to bed early.

I had a hard time getting to sleep without Simon.
I layed awake almost half of the night.
I was a bit pissed at Simon for letting me alone.
Out of all people he knew how hard it was.

As I arrived at the base the next day I was greeted by my rookies.
They all had missed me and were eager to hear the story's.

But as much as I had missed them too they would have to work for this.
I let them run rounds outside while I read the reports that the stand in officer had made.

All in all it was good except for one or two incidents.
I wasn't surprised about the names.
The usual trouble makers.
But nothing serious.
Just some rookie jokes.
They had probably waited to do these till I was on a mission.
They knew they couldn't pull those jokes with me.

„Benjamin! Thomas! Come here!"

I yelled over the field.
The two men came jogging over to me.


I yelled sharp.
They began to sprint.
I could see their guilty faces.
They knew what they did wrong and but didnt knew how I would react.

„Care to explain the report?"

i said calm but with no evidence of an emotion.


Benjamin stammered.

„Were sorry Liz.
We didn't wanted to pull something like this on you so we saw our chance to do it"

Thomas smiled innocent.
These two were the most charming men I knew.
They used their good looks and their charm to get out of everything.
This wasn't new to me.

„I sure hope so! It wouldn't end well for you two!"

I grinned in their direction.

„We would never harm a beautiful lady like you"

Benjamin grinned and bowed a little.
I huffed and rolled my eyes.

„This doesn't work on me you know that"

„I'm just telling the truth"

he smiled charming and nudged my shoulder.
I looked down as my phone buzzed a couple of times.

I looked around but couldn't see him anywhere

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I looked around but couldn't see him anywhere.

„Alright boys five extra rounds for this bullshit. Let's go"

They shoved off groaning.
But they knew they were lucky that this was their only punishment.

„Running not walking"

I yelled and they started running again.

I looked back and almost jumped as Simon just appeared behind me.

„Oh my god Simon are you mad? Where did you come from?"

„I was here the whole time"

„I thought you have such important things to do"

I said giving him a slight annoyed look.

„I had. Till now. Till I saw these imbeciles"


„They were flirting with you!"

„Simon they flirt with everyone. They would try to flirt with you to get out of trouble"

I huffed.

„Well not with my girlfriend. If I see that again theire in trouble"

He blaffed.

„These are my rookies. Only I get them in trouble"

I hissed back.

„Don't give me that attitude!"

„Me? Who has the attitude here?"

I stared up to him.
I could see that he was in a bad mood but I wouldn't let him take this out on me.

„Yeah whatever. I'm staying here tonight so don't wait for me"

I looked at him in disbelief.

„Oh yeah sure."

I said almost defeated.
I didn't knew what was going on with him but I certainly did not like it.
And I wouldn't play his stupid games.
If he wanted to be petty he should be.

I met with König for dinner.
We talked normally until Simon stomped past us to sit somewhere else without even looking at us.

„What the hell is wrong with him?
Did you guys fight or anything?"

„I wish.
I don't know.
After we came back he just said he would sleep at the base.
Today he snapped at me because of some of my rookies and then he said he wouldn't come home today either. I really don't know what's with him."

I said while pushing my food on my plate.

„Hey you two. Why the long face"

Vanessa sat next to me.

„Hey Schatz"

König Said Sweet.
She smiled bright over to him.
Since they got together they were the most perfect couple I had ever seen.

„Oh hi Vanessa. Oh nothing. Simon is just acting weird."

„So nothing new?"

she laughed.
She stopped as she saw my sad face.

„Oh like really weird?"


„Give him time. You know how he can be"

she tried to calm me.
But this bothered me deeply.
After I finished work I returned home.
It was awful coming in this empty flat.
I tried to distract me with a movie but my head was racing.

I felt terrible.
Everything seemed to collapse on me.
I tried to call Simon several times but he just ignored my calls.

But I didn't wanted to be alone right now.
I sighed.
I couldn't call König.
He had no car and I knew he would be with Vanessa.
So I called Johnny.

„Oi Bonnie what's up"

„Johnny? Do you have plans for tonight?"

„Not really why?"

„Can you come over? I feel terrible and I don't want to be alone"

„I mean sure but where is Ghost?"

„I don't even know.
He doesn't answer his phone.
He's acting weird since we got back"

I slightly sobbed.
I just couldn't hold back anymore.

„Alright alright. I'm on my way. Stay calm lass"

I hung up and stared at the wall.
Not even noticing the tears that steamed down my face.

Why wasn't Simon here?
Did I do something wrong?
I just couldn't understand.
Why wouldn't he talk to me?

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