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As Simon came back to the medical bay Liz weren't in her room.

A bypassing nurse told him she was at check up.
He started to reorganise the presents on her bed and placing the flowers and balloons on the side of her bed.

Lastly he placed a big buquet of sunflowers directly on her bedside table.

He had practically begged König to tell him what her favourite flowers were.
He knew König were even more pissed at him than Liz herself.
But König also was one of his best friends.

But seeing Simon beg almost on his knees seemed to make König weak.
He told him.
And Simon got the biggest and most expensive buquet of sunflower the shop had.

All he wanted to see was her smile.
For her to see she wasn't alone.
He was speechless for a minute as they came back.
How was she so effortless beautiful?

Even with her bruised face she seemed to be glowing. Her outfit made him look away and gather his thoughts for some seconds.
She wore very short shorts and a very tight top.
He could see some patches and bandages around her lower stomach.
Her new cast reached just above her knee.

He wasn't suprised that she hadn't had a plain white cast but instead a bright red one.
She wouldn't go with something boring.
Not her.

„Hi Simon."

her smile fuelled the flame in his chest.
Her eyes landed on the sunflowers and the way they began to sparkle made his stomach flip.

„They are beautiful. You got these?"

„Uhm yeah."

he tried to play it cool but seeing that she liked them made him very proud.
Vanessa rolled her on the side of the bed and began to help her up.

„Oh wait let me..."

Simon complimented Vanessa to the side and picked Liz up in one smooth lift.
Always careful to not hurt her.
He placed her on the bed.

„Thank you"

she mumbled clearly blushing.
This fuelled the flame even more.
It gave him hope.
But it wasn't the time for hope.
They agreed to take this aside.

„No problem"

he replied short and stepped back.
Vanessa left and he sat down on the chair.

„So? What did they say?"

he looked at her.

She looked back.
Clearly not focused on his question.

„I like your haircut. It suits you."

she said deep in thoughts.
Then realising what she said she cleared her gaze and started talking as if she had never said that.
His heart had skipped a couple of beats but he was glad he didn't had to answer to that.

„So my leg will need a couple of weeks to heal. It's broken on 3 points. But no need for surgery luckily.
My stab wound is healing good.
They fixed it.
It didn't catched any organs so I was lucky.
Vanessa said I can be released in about two weeks. So I can stay at the base.
But I will still be needing some monitoring."

She spoke and spoke.
She sounded so casual.
But left out some important information Simon wanted to know.

„Liz. Please tell me everything. I know that the knife catched your uterus and I know how they proceed with this kind of accidents"

his eyes were boring into her.
She looked down but sighed.

„Alright. But don't tell the others please. I don't want to worry them."

„Liz they probably wanna know"

„No! This is personal. I don't want them to know please promise me!"

Her voice was stern.

„Alright I promise"

He took her hand and she finally looked at him.

„It's true. It fractured my uterus. I...won't be able to have kids anymore."

She paused.
This hit him like a brick.
He had no idea how she must feel.

„I...I'm so sorry"

„Don't be.
I never wanted kids.
I don't think I'm made to be a mother.
Not with this job or my past.
I actually got sterelized a couple years ago. It's no big deal."

He believed her.
He could see that she was telling the truth.
But still that was something he didn't know about her. It suprised him.

„And for the other thing.
I have to take trauma therapy.
And I know I'm stubborn and I've been through worse in my life but I promise I will go.
It's probably not such a big deal for me than it would be for someone else but it was still terrible. I admit that.
But I don't want to burden the whole team with that. I'm gonna do this alone"

She sounded so casual.
It almost shocked Simon.
He knew she was tough and was trained in enduring torture and such things but that didn't mean she had to fight such things alone.

„No. That's why we are a team. If you need help, someone to talk, reassurance or anything else you will come to one of us. At least to me. Please."

he was almost pleading.
He didn't wanted her to be alone.
He wanted to help and protect her.
At all cost.

She said nothing.
For an painful amount of time.

„We won't leave you alone Liz. We are a family"

This words broke her silence.

„I try. I can't promise things Simon."

„That's enough for me"

he reassured her.

„But no more sleepless nights on my bed Simon!"

she said in a way more playful tone.

„Alright alright I promise. But if you need anything you will call or text me!"

„Yes sir"

she laughed slightly.

His heart seemed to heat up at the sight of her smile.

Shortly after Soap and König came to visit.
Hands full of her favourite fast food.
Her face lit up seeing them.

Soap almost jumped on her hugging her leading to Simon having to ripp him off of her so she wouldn't get hurt.
König was way to afraid to even hug her.
Due to his size he was always very afraid to actually hurt the people he liked.
He ruffled her hair.

„Please tell me these are chicken nuggets! Ohhhh I love you guys so much."

She grabbed the bad and began to eat.
Simon was glad she seemed to had appetite.
He had seen that she hadn't eaten much this morning.

Deep down he was still worried.
He believed her that it wasn't such of a big deal to her than it would be for someone else but he couldn't see how she really felt.
He could only hope that she was honest with him.

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