Old friends

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The next day everyone was super tense.
I really didn't knew why.
I was more like excited.

Simon spend a whole 20 minutes on checking my gear. Tightening it, checking it and rattling on it over and over again.
I just let him do.
It kind of kept him busy.

König couldn't sit still.
He was walking around the area the whole day.
And even as we got in the trucks to drive to the border he couldn't sit still.

At some point I grabbed his violently shaking leg.

„Could you stop? Everything is fine"

I said soft but firm.

„I heard so much about him. I don't like this"

„Have you ever met him?"

I asked looking up to him.


„Then don't believe everything you hear.
He's a man that stands with his word.
Nothing will happen"

Even if König believed me I had no chance in easing his mind.

The whole ride everyone was painfully silent.
Simon's hand was glued to mine.
He never did that at work.
But this situation let him forget every boundary we had set.

And I wouldn't complain.

At the border we got out the trucks and stood in front of a wall of soldiers.
I could clearly see that he had hired some outlaws or company's because he himself never had this much men.
And they all wore different gear.
I stepped forward, Simon always one step behind me.

The men split and Wolf casually stepped forward. Hands in his pockets.
His usual cocky grin on his face.

This man was tall.
He was as tall as Simon.
But way thinner.
In his jeans and his tshirt he almost looked normal.

I noticed way more tattoos on his arms than when I had last seen him.
But that was a couple of years ago.

„Sonnenschein! Wie schön dich wieder zu sehen" (Sunshine, good to see you again)

He said loud and made a little bow.

„Quit the bullshit Alex.
Talk English. It's not very polite to exclude the others"

I said loud but smiled warm.
It was kind of good to see him.
It was something normal.
It felt like old times.

„Oh my apologies."

We got closer, I eyed the soldiers around us carefully.

„Oh don't be bothered by them. They won't do anything"

he said holding up his hands.

„Unless you tell them to I suppose?"

I rolled my eyes.
As I was close enough he held out his hand for a handshake.
As I took it he he pulled me a bit closer

He spun me around one time and bowed down to kissed my hand.
I rolled my eyes and pulled my hand back.

„Charming as always"

„You're getting more and more beautiful with the years Angel"

he grinned.

„And you get older. Are those wrinkles I see?"

I teased him.
He frowned and straightened his posture.

„Feisty as always the fräulein"

„Oh you have no idea."

I huffed.

„So this is my team.
These are Ghost, Soap, Roach, König and Price. Oh and I suppose you already know Alejandro"

They all just stared daggers into Wolf.

„See you got yourself some pretty guard dogs"

he smiled.

„Some that are willing to rip you and your little army to pieces."

I said calm but with a serious look.

„No need for that. Let's go inside and discuss some things shall we?"

He gestured us to follow him.
We walked through the town.
It was like a ghost town.
Everything was abandoned.
No people.
Just here and there some soldiers that stood guard.

„Where are all the people Alex?"

I asked catching up to him.

„Not so fast Angel. I'm not gonna just give you everything you want"

„Alex don't forget I'm not here for you. I'm here for them"

I said cold.

„Ouch. Angel you hurt me"

he said melodramatic.
I huffed and got a bit slower.
I made eye contact with Roach.
He seemed kind of relaxed.
So no suspicious activity in the area.

I looked over to Soap.
He nodded slightly.
Everything clear.

I relaxed a bit.
I feelt a slight touch on my back.

Simon had slightly grabbed the back of my vest.
I looked up to him but there was no emotion evident in his eyes.
But I could see how he clenched his jaw under his mask.
I tried to give him a calming look but he just stared at Wolfs back.

At least I knew that when something would go wrong Wolf would be the first to die.
We reached what looked like the town hall.
He had obviously made this place his kind of headquarter.

I scanned everything.
Men on every entrance.

I had a slight weird felling.
It was like I had seen some of these uniforms before. But I thought then it must be Wolfs men.

I shook the thought off and followed him into a large room with a big table.
I sat down opposite of him.
Price and Alejandro next to me.
The rest kept standing.

„Anything to drink or eat Angel?"

he purred in my direction.

„Alex focus"

„Yes of course"

he said leaning back in his chair.
He got out his laptop and typed some thing.

„How do you even managed to take this place over? Not so your style"

I said looking around.

„Oh I have some powerful and useful partners"

he muttered.

„Hm I see. And where are the people again?"

I said nonchalant.

„tricky little misses."

he hissed and glared at me.
I smiled sweet and shrugged.

„I'm here to make sure they're good.
Holding family's as hostages.
Oh Alex. I had a higher meaning of you.
You have no idea what that does to them"

I said in an disappointed tone.
He looked up and grinned.

„Na eine Kriegsgefangene wie du muss es ja wissen"
(Well a war Slave like you must know)

My face dropped.
I had never told him about this.

I heard König shift uncomfortable.
My heart began to race.
There was something wrong.
He couldn't know.
He shouldn't know.

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