The invitation

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After like a week there of just waiting and only blandly discussing the situation I had enough.

In a meeting where we only discussed the same shit again I exploded.

„Bloody hell this is getting us nowhere.
Where is the fucking problem?
Why won't Wolf talk with us?
He must have given a reason!"

They all looked at me.

„Liz this isn't so easy"

Price tried to say but I interrupted him.

„No no. It is.
I know this man.
He's all talk.
He would love some good discussion"

Alejandro looked at Price and back to me.

„He refused to talk to any of us.
It's hard getting in contact with him"

he sighed.
I rolled my eyes.

„You have a joker right here!
Use it Alejandro!
If anyone keeps treating me like glass I'm gonna walk there myself!
Tell him that I'm here and want to talk to him"

I stared dead into Alejandro's eyes.


„No Price. No discussion!
That's what I'm here for! Do it!"

I clenched my jaw.
I hadn't even noticed how I had stood up and leaned over the table.
Simon pulled me back into my seat and sighed.

„She's right. These people need help and you're just waisting time"

he spat out.
I looked over to him suprised but thankfull.
Knowing he believed in me gave me so much.

They finally gave in and all of the sudden the next day we had a video call with Wolf.
I knew this would work.

The next day we all made our way to the tent that functioned as meeting room.
Everyone was so tense.
Except me.
I was kinda excited.

I sat down on the chair on top right before the laptop. They all could watch through a screen on the other end of the table.

„Ready carino?"

Alejandro asked before he started the call.

„Every time"

I smiled.
It rang a couple times till Wolfs face showed up on the screen.

He looked clearly older.
But not less handsome.
He had his light brown hair grown out and tied up in a bun.
His piercing green eyes stared right through the screen.

„Meine wunderschöne Siren"
(my beautiful siren)

His always so serious face light up in a wide smile.

„Oh ich habe gehört du verwendest den Namen nicht mehr"
(I heard you don't go by that name anymore)

he smirked.

„Oh Alex. Please. I know you're pretty capable of English.
Let's not exclude anyone here.
And you're right. It's just Liz now"

„Liz. Mmmmm I always loved your name. You look as good as always"

he purred sweet.

„At least one of us. You're getting old Alex sweetie"

I winked and he laughed loud.
No one else said anything.
But I could clearly see Soaps disgusted face.

„Tell me Alex why won't you talk to my friends here?"

„They're just not you Angel"

„Oh come on. You couldn't  know they would get me. Sooner or later you would have to talk to someone"

Code name: SirenWhere stories live. Discover now