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I woke up in darkness.
Why was it dark?
Then I realised Simon had shifted in sleep so his arms were over my head.

Luckily I could breath.
I thought that one day this man would accidentally strangle or crush me in his sleep.
Loved to death.
What a nice death.

I tried to wiggle out of his grip but it was impossible.
I tapped his arms.

„Love? Baby? Simon?"

He didn't budged.

„Simon Riley!"

I said in a way harsher and louder tone.
He suddenly sat straight in bed.
I took a deep breath and laughed.
He looked at me confused and grunted.

„What was that for? Scared the shit out of me"

„You almost strangled me in your sleep. I wanted to live I'm sorry"

I giggled and sat up.

„Oh I'm sorry. Did I hurt you?"

he scanned me clearly concerned.

„No. You would never hurt me baby"

I smiled sweet and kissed him.

We got ready to meet up with the others.
It would be quite a long flight and I was already mad that we had to show up in our gear.
I refused to put on everything.

This was ridiculous.
The day didn't got any better.
I was seated in the middle of König and Simon. Normally I would be glad.
But in the tiny plane we got it was hell.
I felt like child.

Finally they offered me to sit on Simon's lap and spread my legs over König.
I agreed thankfully.

This way I wasn't getting crushed and they had more space.
Who even thought packing these two giants with three other grown ass man and a not so short woman on a Tini tiny plane?

The flight felt like an eternity.
As we finally arrived I grunted loud as we stepped outside.
It was hot like hell.
I hated it.

After a long ass car drive we arrived at their improvised base a couple miles in front of the occupied town.

It wasn't very big but it looked actually very cool.
A lot of big tents.
Some containers that were obviously used as offices and stuff.
We all knew the procedure.

Price talks, we just stand there and wait for someone to show us where we can go.

I hopped out of the car and stretched.
I felt so terrible.
I had spend almost the whole day in tiny spaces.
Suddenly someone placed a base cap on my head and pulled it deep into my face.

„Ay. Watch it or you're gonna get sunburned"

Soap said grinning.

„Yes moooooom"

I said sarcastically and poked my tongue out.
I looked around.
A couple groups of soldiers were standing near by. Everyone watching.

Not far from us was a tall man obviously waiting for us.
I recognised his face from the intel.
This had to be Alejandro Vargas.
He eyes us up and down.
But then a very charming and warm smile spread over his face.
He greeted Price.

„Were so happy to have you here amigos"

His thick Spanish accent was all too present.
He sounded a bit like a stereotypical Spanish cartoon character.
Roachs and my gaze met and we had such a hard time not to laugh.
I knew he was thinking the exact same thing.

„It's nice to meet you all.
Ghost, Soap, König, Roach and you must be Si-„

„Liz. Just Liz sir"

I interrupted him.
He looked suprised.

„No code name?"

„I used to. But I don't go by that name anymore."

He smiled charming.
He had shook all the boys hands but placed a very light kiss of my hand.
I saw how Simon's eyes were fuming.
I laughed and shook my head.

„No need for that amigo"

I said nonchalant.
He grinned and continued as if nothing had happened.

He showed us around.
He showed us a big group tent where we could place our things.
I groaned.

„God now I have to listen to Price and Soap snore at night"

„Ey I don't snore"

Soap said offended.

„hell yeah you do! It's torture having a room next to you"

said König loud.

„Alright amigos. Get comfortable. First meeting is tomorrow morning."

With that and a big smile in my direction he left us.

„I don't like him"

Simon spat out.

„Because he flirted with your girlfriend."

said Roach teasing and imitated how Alejandro had kissed my hand and said with a fake and overexaggerated Spanish accent

„let me kiss your hand bonita"

I laughed out loud and almost fell from the cot.
Simon didn't laugh but seemed to relax seeing that I found it funny and didn't take it that seriously.

König and I decided to take a walk around the base just to get to know the area a bit better.
I didn't thought much of the other people staring.

It was not unusual.
Königs size had always drawn attention to him.
And I was pretty used to being stared at.

We were talking in German as I heard some of the soldiers call after us and commenting on us very loud, but in Spanish.

I could hear the words Puta and Zorra a lot.
Even some say „carne Fresca" wich meant fresh meat.
I tried to ignore them.
Another base full of men that didn't believed women could be good soldiers.

König noticed my change in mood and stopped.

„What's wrong maus?"

„Nothing. It's just..I don't feel very comfortable around these guys.
They seem disgusting"

I said rolling my eyes.

„I don't know any Spanish but that doesn't sound very nice"

He straightened his posture and glared angry at the others.

„No it's ok. Let them be. There just idiots"

I said shrugging.
The last thing I wanted was to make a scene.
I wanted to get it over with all this.

„If you say so."

he grunted quiet.
I knew he probably wanted to punch every one of them.
But that was just no use.
The first night was terrible.

Simon and I had shoved our cots together so we could at least be somehow near each other.

I knew that Prices snoring was loud.
But over the years it must have gotten way louder.
And in combination with Soaps snoring it was hell.
I had to sleep with my headphones on.
What luckily muffled them a little.

I watched Simon sleep.
His hand clenched on my shirt.
He couldn't hold me like always but he insisted on at least touching me.

Code name: SirenWhere stories live. Discover now