Chapter Two

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Chapter Two•••

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Chapter Two


Starting my final year of high school at a new school was not on my bingo card, and yet, here I am. Leaving the comfort of my home for majority of my life in Australia to move to the states was extremely hard, especially since I was here alone for the time being. My family would move later in the year to join me, but as for now, I'm on my own.

Luckily enough, I had my cousin Chan to rely on and give me prior knowledge of what to expect at his alma matter, and Han who was one of Chan's partner in making music. I also had my online pen-pal Wooyoung as a friend, who later introduced me to his friends Yeosang and Hongjoong a few days before school actually started. All of them I found myself quickly getting along with, making the transition easier to manage.

Reaching the school entrance doors, I patiently waited outside for my four friends to arrive before stepping in. My nerves were on overdrive, and I could feel my hands shaking. The one thing I absolutely hated was attention, and I felt as though walking inside alone would create that.

Growing up, I was always one to play alone and was selectively mute, only speaking to my parents or sisters when I needed to express something. It took years of therapy to help me break out of that phase, but I'm still learning to adjust with speaking to multiple people at once. Wooyoung was the first person I spoke verbally to outside of my family, and he never judged me for my shy personality. He even made sure to reassure me that his friends would be just as understanding, which made me feel better about meeting them. Safe to say, he was right.

"Lixie! We're here!" Wooyoung yelled excitedly, waving his hands frantically to gain my attention. The other three were in line with his stride, with Hongjoong scolding him for being so loud.

I giggled, slightly waving back with a smile as they approached me. When they all reached me, Wooyoung embraced me in a tight hug. "Good morning!" He squealed, placing a long kiss on my cheek.

"G-Good morning. Woo, I c-can't breathe!"

Yeosang sighed, forcefully pulling said affectionate male off of me. "You can't kill the guy on his first day. Calm down. It's too early for the yelling anyways..."

Wooyoung pouted, looking at the floor sadly. "Sorry..."

"It's fine, hyung. I needed that, anyways." I squeezed his hand with a soft smile. "Thank you."

"So, you ready for your first day?" Han asked, putting his arm around my shoulder. "I think we have the same first class together."

"As ready as I'll ever be, I guess."

Hongjoong smiled. "Don't worry. With the way you look, I'm sure you'll gain plenty of friends."

"Friends, or friends...?" Wooyoung wiggled his eyebrows playfully, earning a light smack on the head from Yeosang.

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