Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen•••

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Chapter Fifteen


"Remember everyone, your assigned partners will be given on Friday, which is two days from now. Also, our lovely Felix will be bringing in his brownies and Yeji will bring her cupcakes for us, so be sure not to miss class!" Miss V instructed, just in time for the bell to ring. "Alright, you're dismissed."

As Han and I gathered our notebooks, Yeji skipped over to us with a smile. "I can't wait to try your brownies!"

"Same with your cupcakes. What flavor are you making?" I asked curiously.

She shrugged. "I think I'll do vanilla, chocolate, and red velvet. The red velvet is my favorite."

I nodded. "Sounds good to me."

With the amount of students in this class, I'd need to make a minimum of 50 brownies...maybe more...

"I'll see you later in Physics then!" Yeji smiled before skipping away.

"Felix, would you need any help making the brownies?" Han asked as we walked out of class towards our lockers. "You know you don't have to do it all alone, right?"

I shook my head with a smile. "I shouldn't need any help. I just need to get the ingredients after school today and make them tomorrow evening."

"Well, just let me and the others know if you change your mind."

"Change your mind about what?" Hongjoong asked, meeting us at our lockers.

"Felix is planning to make brownies to bring to our homeroom and second class." Han paused, gasping in surprise and pointed to Hongjoong's new black-colored hair. "You dyed your hair!"

Hongjoong smiled, purposefully ignoring Han while looking at me. "That's so nice. Can I have one?"

"Sure!" I smiled. "I'm making a lot anyways, so there should be plenty."

"Stop ignoring me! Why did you dye your hair?"

Hongjoong shrugged. "I got tired of the blue, so I wanted to do something normal."

"Well, I'll speak for myself and Han, we like it." I reassured him. "You can pull off any color and length, honestly."

"YA! Felix!"

What now...?

The three of us turned our heads to Hyunjin and Minho, who were walking over towards us. Once in front of us, Hyunjin raised an eyebrow. "How many brownies are you giving each of us on Friday?"

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