Chapter Thirty-Eight: JONGSANG SPECIAL Pt.2

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Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Chapter Thirty-Eight



"I can't believe how everything turned out with all of us." Jongho said with amusement in his voice. We were walking around my neighborhood just to kill time, but also to spend as much time as possible together before school tomorrow. The sun was setting, creating a warm orange glow in the sky.

I rolled my eyes playfully, kicking a pebble boredly. "It's mostly your friend's fault for the hostility between us before. We didn't do anything to you guys, and yet, it seemed as though we were your favorite people to bother."

He sighed. "I'm sorry about that, truly."

"Aish..." I punched his shoulder softly. "There's no need to apologize...But I do have a question."

"I'm all ears. What's up?"

I paused in our stroll, causing him to follow my act and stop as well. "What exactly are we doing? I mean...what's going to happen between us?"

"I-I don't know...this is very new to me..." Jongho said quietly. "I don't want to rush into anything and then potentially end up losing you, but at the same time...I don't want to hold you back from other people either..."

"Can I be honest with you?"


There was a bench nearby, and with a heavy sigh, I grabbed his hand and tugged him over to sit down with me. "I'm not asking to be in a relationship, Jongho. I want to be friends first and eventually progress to that level later..."

"However, that doesn't mean we can't do some of the simple acts, like holding hands for example," I smiled, lifting our still intertwined hands up in front of us, "or go out on dates together. I don't see myself interacting with anyone else when I know I have someone who is genuinely patient with not only himself, but with me."

Jongho stared at me with a soft smile, gently placing a kiss on my cheek. Instantly a blush rose, and I playfully wiped it off. "Ya!"

"You said we could still do simple acts." He teased. "Based on your reaction, I think you liked it!"

Ignoring him, I pulled him up to continue our walk around the neighborhood. "You just surprised me, that's all..."

"That was the point, Yeo."


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"Whatever.." He pouted, pulling his hand out of my grasp and turning his back toward me.

I smirked, grabbing his hand and pulling him closer. "You're not allowed to remove your hand from my own."

"And if I did?"

"Then I'll kiss you."

The blush on his face deepened, and I watched as he pulled his hand out again with smirk on his face. "I don't believe you."


Gently cradling his face, I connected our lips for a tender kiss on the lips. It wasn't until I felt his hand pull me closer that I smiled while still kissing him. We didn't go any further than a peck, but I wasn't complaining at all. The feeling of his pillow-like lips was something I couldn't get used to, nor did I want to.

Breaking away, we both smiled at each other before he placed his hand back into my own. "My hand is cold."

"Right, of course."

Deciding that we should probably start heading our separate ways, I made sure to at least walk him to his door. Reaching his house, he sighed. "Jongho, you didn't have to walk me home..."

"I wanted to spend as much time with you as possible. Tomorrow at school may not be the perfect time, but I'll still make time for you." I reassured.

He smiled and shook his head, attempting to open the door until it suddenly opened on its own, revealing an older woman who Yeosang resembled almost identically. She looked at me and broke out into a huge smile. "Sangie, who is this?!"

"Yurin, this is Jongho. He friend...?"Yeosang said slightly confused

I instantly bowed. "Good evening, ma'am. I was just making sure he got home safe..."

"Aish, please... I don't need all the antics. I'm just his older sister." Yurin rolled her eyes playfully before turning her attention back to Yeosang. "Friend...huh."

Noticing the panicked look on his face, I spoke up on his behalf. "That's right! I'm just a friend, that's all."

Yurin looked at the two of us skeptically before sighing and nodded. "Well, then that sucks. If a girl had walked me home at this time of day, I'd want her to be more than just a friend, but oh well. Jongho, would you like to stay for dinner?"

"I don't want to intrude unexpectedly, but I'd take you up on your invitation on another day." I smiled, nodding my head toward the stunned male my silent goodbye before walking away.

"I'll hold you to that, Jongho!" Yurin yelled, causing me to chuckle.

Don't worry, it'll be sooner than you think...


The story is coming to an end soon...

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