Chapter Three

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Chapter Three•••

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Chapter Three


Han and I both made it to homeroom exactly when the final bell rang. Hearing different boices chattering inside made my nervousness come back tenfold. Han noticed my face and grabbed my hand in his own.

"Don't worry, all you have to do is introduce yourself and then that's it. I'll save a seat next to me as soon as you're done, okay?

I nodded, taking a deep breath in before stepping inside the classroom. As soon as we both entered, all the conversations hushed and all eyes were focused on me. Han gave me a reassuring squeeze before letting go and moving to his seat. Once seated, he mouthed the words 'fighting' to me with two thumbs up.

"Hi, you must be the new transfer student." A female teacher spoke, holding out her hand towards me with a smile. "My name is Miss V, would you mind introducing yourself to the class?"


Looking around the room, I noticed a few girls smiling at me while some guys stared at me with death glares.
Another thing I noticed was Hyunjin and Minho seated in the back of class, both of them staring at me with blank facial expressions. My breath hitched, and I quickly diverted my eyes to the floor.

Clearing my throat, I began to speak.

"Hi, m-my name is Felix. Lee Felix, Lee being my last n-name. I'm from Sydney, Australia..."

Miss V interjected, smiling at me. "Felix, do you have any talents or hobbies?"

I nodded with a smile. "I actually like to dance and I love making brownies."

One girl seated in the front of the class raised her hand with a small smile. "Hi, I'm Yeji. Would you make some for us to try?"

"Sure I can. I mean," looking at Miss V for approval, "if that's allowed..?"

She laughed, waving her hand dismissively. "Of course it is. Bring them in on Friday! Welcome again Felix, please take a seat."

Nodding, I quickly made my way over to Han and sighed a breath of relief. He smiled and patted my head, leaning in my ear to whisper. "Great job!"

"That was torture..." I mumbled, pulling my hoodie over my head embarrassed. "Do I have to do that for every class?"

"Unfortunately, yes. Don't worry, you only have three more after Social Studies, and you share those classes with each of our other friends. You won't be alone."

Sighing, I slumped into my seat. "Wonderful..."

Taking out my notebook, I began to listen to the lecture and take notes. After the first hour, Miss V allowed us a break before Second Period started, which was Social Studies.

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