Chapter Six

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Chapter Six •••

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Chapter Six


Finally it was the last class of the day, and my favorite one of all: Dance class. To end my day doing something I loved was not only a blessing, but a stress reliever. Dance was my way of expressing myself without words, a different form of art and freedom through movement to sounds and vibrations.

Since the beginning of freshman year, I made sure to always enroll in Dance for one of my classes. It helped me gain some recognition from Instructor Lia Kim, so much so that she wanted me to lead her dance club since junior year.

Settling on the cushioned wood floor in front of the room of floor-to-ceiling mirrors earlier than the start time, I mindlessly scrolled on my phone while waiting for the Instructor Lia to come in. One by one, students began to enter the room and take their places in a separate space to stretch. I even noticed Yeosang enter, taking one glance at me before rolling his eyes and settling in the opposite side of the room. The sight of him reminded me of Felix, and that guilt feeling crept into me once again.

Ever since he ran away at lunch, I hadn't seen him since, not even in the hallways. It was like he disappeared into thin air, and it was something I knew I was the cause of.

The final bell rang, and Instructor Lia entered inside with a bright smile. "Welcome my lovely stars. Are we ready to have another wonderful year together?"

"Yes Instructor." We all said in unison.

She smiled, clasping her hands with excitement. "Wonderful, let me just take attendance and we can begin!"

Getting up from the floor, I watched Yeosang raise his hand to gain her attention. "Instructor Lia?"

"Yes, dear? What is it?"

"The new transfer student Lee Felix won't be attending class today. He wasn't feeling well and took an early leave home."

Instructor Lia gasped. "Oh dear, thank you for informing me. Send him my well wishes, please!"

He nodded sadly, refocusing himself on stretching while Instructor Lia went through attendance as planned. Meanwhile, I felt my inner guilt become much worse at the news.


"Alright class, let's begin!"

Instructor Lia started with allowing us to do our own freestyle to break the ice, something I took time observing those who were new and those who returned from last year.

Yeosang was one who I considered to be talented, even though I refused to admit it aloud. His way of dancing and conveying the emotion of any song given was a sight to see, and unfortunately he blatantly refused to join the dance club because I was captain. Despite my usual behavior, the dance club was one aspect where I discarded my title and truly acted like an unbiased leader. However, my reputation scared many into attempting to join.

Hence why I say my reputation is bittersweet...

Leaning on my car, I tapped my foot impatiently while waiting for the other guys to meet me outside. First to make it was Minho, who raised an eyebrow at me.

"Ya! What's up with you?" He snapped his fingers in front of my face.

I scoffed. "Nothing..."

"Doesn't look like nothing. You're doing that weird thing with your foot." San said walking up with Jongho in stride, pointing down at my foot. "Stop lying."

"Let me guess, Felix isn't at school." Jongho sighed, shaking his head.

"What? How did you know?" I asked surprised.

Seonghwa answered from while reaching us. "Hongjoong said it to Yeji while in Biology class. I overheard it since I sit directly behind him."

"Well, yes it's true. Apparently he was supposed to be my dance class and Yeosang told Instructor Lia about his absence. Something about him not feeling well and taking an early leave."

"Well that makes sense..." Minho muttered. "Wooyoung wasn't in San and my Art class either, and he loves that class."

While having our discussion, my eyes caught Han, Hongjoong and Yeosang walking out of the school building. "Ya! You three, come here!" I shouted.

Seonghwa sighed. "Hyunjin, please stop doing that."

The three boys exchanged looks, but Yeosang was the only one who decided to walk over. With a scowl on his face, he snapped. "What the fuck do you want?"

"Why wasn't Felix in class? It's the first day and he decided to ditch?"

Yeosang laughed bitterly. "Why do you care? Mind your own fucking business and keep true to your word of leaving us the fuck alone."

Looking at each of us in the group, he smiled sarcastically before leaving . "If that's all you need, I'm going back to my friends. Goodbye."

All of us watched him walk off in shock, rejoining Han and Hongjoong with joint hands before strolling down the sidewalk. It wasn't until they were out of sight that San busted out laughing. "I'm stunned! He really can come off as a bit intimidating!"

"He really is something behind that quiet demeanor..." Jongho said in awe.

My hands clenched. "That fucking bastard..."

"Hey, hey. Just leave it for now. Let's focus on more important things to discuss, such as this weekend's party on Saturday." Minho smirked.

Seonghwa nodded. "Right, our yearly tradition to celebrate the new school year! Is your parents still cool with us having it at your house this time?"

"Yeah, yeah." I waved my hand nonchalantly. "They'll be out of town this weekend so all I have to do is make sure the house is cleaned by the time they get home on Sunday evening."

San cheered. "Awesome! I can't wait to get drunk!"

Jongho raised an eyebrow. "Everyone knows you're a lightweight, and you get extremely touchy when drunk."

I chuckled. "Well, our parties attracted everyone from school so who knows, he can get lucky again with someone."

"If it's not Wooyoung, I'm keeping it in my pants." San pouted.

"That actually brings up a good point. Do you think they'll attend this year, considering that they have a new friend that doesn't seem to want anything to do with something attached to us? Well, specifically you?"Seonghwa questioned curiously.

"I don't doubt it. If Chan-hyung is his cousin, he might show up. Chan-hyung and Lisa-noona are expected to show their faces anyways, and if they go, then he'll more than likely go." I shrugged. "Plus, Wooyoung seems to love partying, so he'll probably drag him out."

Minho teased. "I have a feeling that this year, something legendary is going to happen."

You and me both and me both...


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