Chapter Five

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Chapter Five•••

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Chapter Five


Walking with Hongjoong and Yeji to the lunch room, my mood was brighter than before. Yeji had become someone I could consider a friend now, and we talked about our shared love for baking. Apparently, she loved baking cookies and cupcakes, so we agreed to share our desserts on Friday in class together.

Once we reach the lunch room, Yeji said her goodbyes to go meet with her own friends while Hongjoong and I entered the meal line for food. As soon as we entered, I was tackled by Wooyoung in a tight embrace from behind, while Yeosang and Han watched with amusement on their faces.

"Lixie, you're almost done with your first day! I'm so proud of you!" Wooyoung squealed, patting my stomach playfully.

I smiled while still in his arms as we moved in line. "I'm just happy to at least have a class with each of you."

"Right, last class is with me Lix. Dance class." Yeosang smiled. "Don't worry, I don't think any of those boys are in there."

We each made it to the front and quickly grabbed our food choices. My stomach churned looking at the main dishes, which consisted of a choice between spaghetti or a hamburger. On good days, I would run and grab either option happily. However, on bad days like today, the sight of it made me feel nauseous. So I settled with just mixed fruits and a bread roll, something I figured I could forced down with ease.

Wooyoung noticed my tray and looked at me sadly, leaning in to whispered subtly in my ear. "Bad day?"

I nodded, not wanting to voice anything further as we all walk to an empty table to eat. Once seated, I tried to take a bite into my fruit, a smile spreading at the satisfied feeling that something  settled my nausea. Wooyoung was the only person I shared my troubles with food, never judging me for it and always making sure I didn't force myself if I didn't feel up to eating. He used to have the same struggles as me, but he had managed to overcome it over time.

"Han, I've been meaning to ask but...what happened when Minho chased after you?" I asked curiously.

His face turned red. "Well he caught up to me and walked me to class...Surprisingly enough, we also had English together."


"At least that was it. Jongho wouldn't stop bothering me in PE. I tried my best to move away from him, but he wouldn't leave me alone." Yeosang rolled his eyes, picking at his food in a bored manner.

Hongjoong sneered, poking Yeosang on the cheek teasingly. "That means he must like you."

"Wow, are you and Lixie sharing the same brain cell or something? Why would they like us if all they do is torment us?" Wooyoung laughed loudly. "We are not in primary school anymore for the childish behavior, and I'm pretty sure they are straighter than a stick of dynamite."

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