Chapter Thirty-Three: WOOSAN SPECIAL Pt.2

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Chapter Thirty-Three

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Chapter Thirty-Three



Breakfast was over, and everyone had taken their respective seats throughout the entire living room area. I noticed Hyunjin returning back from what I assumed to be dropping Lixie home. However, he darted his way directly over to where San and I were lounging on the couch, standing in front of me with determination written all over his face.

"Woo, can you give me Felix's number please?"

I raised an eyebrow, instantly hearing San chuckle as I sat up from his embrace temporarily. "Why should I? Shouldn't you have asked him?"

Hyunjin sighed, mumbling something to himself. "I forgot to ask..."

"Speak up, I can't hear you."

"I forgot to ask, alright! Damn!" Hyunjin snapped.

"Watch your tone, Hyunjin." San scowled.

Leaning back into his arms, I smirked. "You must really like him if you forgot something as important as that. How do I know you're deserving of his number?"

"What do I need to do to prove it to you? It's crucial for our date and time is ticking."

I took a moment to think, my brain scrambling with interrogation questions to evaluate the male in front of me. Reaching a mental verdict, I cleared my throat. "I have a few questions for you and if I think you answered well enough, I'll share his number."

Seonghwa chuckled. "This outta be good."

"First question, are you going to treat my precious baby like a prince? Otherwise, you might as well call it quits now because that's the only treatment he deserves." I sighed dramatically, already knowing the answer but wanted to hear it anyways. It was obvious from the display shown prior during breakfast.

Hyunjin smiled. "Of course I will...I already told him that he's not allowed to open doors when I'm around anymore."


My eyes grew wide, but I quickly composed myself. "Very good. Next question: are you going to take care of him, despite what you know now about him? He's very fragile on that, you know?"

"You better answer correctly, or else there's going to be hell to pay!" Yeosang snapped loudly, making Jongho hold him closer in his embrace.

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