Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Chapter Twenty-Seven•••

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Chapter Twenty-Seven


Mother left us for her out-of-town trip after we settled in with everything for the party. Whether she was going on the trip with Father or not remained a mystery, but regardless this trip was necessary for her. She deserved a break, and I wanted her to get away for at least the weekend.

It was now Saturday afternoon, and the party was supposed to start in a few hours. Jongho and San were working on the lighting fixtures with a few electricians while Seonghwa was out buying the snacks.

My house was set up in a way where one could consider it to be a mansion. The huge size of the place was due to the income of my father, which included ten bedrooms and twelve bathrooms, a large infinity pool, and a basement with a fully-decorated entertainment area for leisure.

The plan was to set up both the interior and exterior of the house for usage, allowing a large space for people to be able to move around freely. With the estimated amount of attendees reaching over 100, the more space available the better. Currently, I was outside by the pool adjusting the chairs when Minho walked up to me.

"Just called the DJ, and he's still on board to be here in by five." Minho sighed in a bored tone. "What do you need me to do now?"

"You can either help with the lighting or wait for Hwa to return so you can help him with whatever he needs."

Minho yawned, taking a seat on one of the chairs and pulled out his phone. "...Are you still concerned about Felix and the possibility of him not showing up?"

I shook my head. "No. Either he does or he doesn't."

"Well...I'll just wait for Seonghwa to come. I'm bored."

"Fine. I don't care." I rolled my eyes, walking away into the house to check on the two other boys. "Choi's, you two good?"

San nodded. "Yeah, we're good. Everything is pretty much done."

"How many high schools are coming again?" Jongho asked curiously while standing on a ladder and fixing one of the neon lights.

"Just two. Ours and the neighboring one. I don't need anymore people coming."

Both males nodded, focusing their attention back on their jobs. The next order of business was to lock the extra bedrooms.

Last thing I need is people trying to hook up inside one without my knowledge...

Making my way upstairs, I made sure to lock all of the bedroom doors, leaving only four out of twelve adjacent bathroom doors open for anyone to use. The basement would also be locked, as I don't want anything to be broken down there by strangers. Everything else was covered and in check, perfect for tonight's event.

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