Chapter Twenty-Six

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Chapter Twenty-Six•••

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Chapter Twenty-Six


The mall was nearing its closing time, and the four of us was waiting for Wooyoung to finish buying his last pair of shoes.

"I can't believe Woo bought so much stuff." Han sighed, shaking his head in disbelief.

Hongjoong only shrugged. "I told you he had a problem."

"Watch. Once he gets home, he's going to try and return more than half of the things he bought because of trivial reasons." Yeosang rolled his eyes. "Pain in the ass..."

I giggled. "Isn't he your best friend, though?"

Yeosang playfully scowled at me, making Han and Hongjoong laugh. Wooyoung walked out of the shoe store with a huge grin, handing me the purchase with eagerness. "A gift for you Lixie! The shoes you've been talking about for months!"

My eyes grew wide and a faint blush grew on my cheeks. "Woo...I-I can't accept that...That's too expensive to buy for me..."

"Take it Lix. You know he isn't gonna take 'no' for an answer." Hongjoong smiled, pushing the bag into my hands."

"Joongie is right. Plus, my mom gave me her card and specifically told me to buy them for you. So...consider it a gift from both of us!"

"Thank you..." I said softly. "I really appreciate it..."

Han wrapped his arm around my shoulders and groaned loudly. "Enough mushy talk. I'm ready to go home!"

All of us chuckled, nodding in agreement before making our way out of the mall with smiles across our faces.


Laying in bed, I looked over to my new sneakers still placed in its box across the room. A small smile grew on my face, realizing that I had a real group of friends to call my own for once. Back home, I was usually alone or with my sisters, as they would be my only source of companionship. Chan was also there when we were younger to be my friend, but his family moved to the states after he turned twelve and I was eleven. That's when I decided to try out the pen-pal program, and found Wooyoung as my first friend to communicate with weekly.

Lost in my thoughts, a small knock on my bedroom door was heard. "Come in."

Chan opened the door and instantly noticed the shoebox. Raising an eyebrow, he turned to me with a smirk. "You went shopping?"

"Technically, yes. Woo bought those for me."

"Can I see them?"

I nodded, gesturing for him to open them. He picked up the box and slowly pulled the cover off, and I watched as his smirk turned into shock. "No fucking way... he bought you these?"

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