Chapter Thirty-One

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Chapter Thirty-One•••

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Chapter Thirty-One


I felt sunlight shine on my face and an unfamiliar warmth wrapped around me. Slowly fluttering my eyes open against the bright sun, I remembered the events of last night as my head pounded with a massive headache for evidence. Glancing down at the warmth, I saw the blonde-haired boy lying on my chest with his arm draped over my stomach. A faint blush grew on my cheeks as I realized what happened between us, especially in the closet below.

I tried moving out of his hold, but he only tightened around me and snuggled even closer than before. All I could do was submit and return the hold, gently rubbing my fingers through his soft hair with a smile on my face. There were faint voices being heard behind the door, which assuming by the sound, it was Seonghwa instructing the cleaning crew on what to do.

One thing about Hwa, he's a clean freak...

Suddenly, Felix yawned and slowly opened his eyes, looking up at me with wide eyes before pulling away and sitting up in bed. I chuckled. "You're finally awake..."

He only blushed, turning his face away from me. "How long was I sleeping? Why didn't you wake me up..?"

"Didn't want to. I tried getting up but somebody didn't want me to leave." I teased, pulling him back onto my chest. "Now I don't want you to leave, you're very warm."

"Were you always this cheesy?" He giggled, wrapping his arms around me again.

I rolled my eyes playfully. "Are you complaining?"

"Not at all."

Suddenly, a loud barrage of knocks on my door were heard, followed by Minho's yelling and a few snickers trailing behind. "YA! STOP KISSING AND COME DOWNSTAIRS FOR BREAKFAST!"

"STOP YELLING!" I shouted back, instantly regretting it as the throbbing pain in my head felt worse.

Felix giggled, sitting up and getting off the bed. "Um, do you have an extra toothbrush I could use...?"

I smirked, noticing how he was dressed in my sweatpants and black shirt. "Of course. By the way, I really like my clothes on you..."

"Hyunjin, stop that."


Getting up from the bed myself, I guided him into my bathroom and opened a drawer, passing him a new toothbrush. "Here you go."


Both of us began brushing our teeth together, a small domestic act that I never experienced with someone before. It only made me wonder how often and how many other things were possible to share with him, the feeling of the moment being indescribable.

Finishing up, I quickly pulled him and placed a tender kiss on his lips, one he returned happily. He was first to pull away from me, a deep blush stained on his cheeks as he looked at the tile floor. "What w-was that...?"

I smirked. "The proper way to say good morning. Don't forget we have our date later."

Felix looked up at me with a smile and nodded. "I didn't forget... I'm excited."

Grabbing his hand into my own, I led him out of my bedroom and downstairs to the rest of the group, all of them with smiles on their faces. We took our seats in between Yeosang and Wooyoung, with Felix gasping loudly as he grabbed Wooyoung's neck. "Jung Wooyoung!"

Jongho rolled his eyes. "I'm surprised you didn't hear those two last night. Damn rabbits..."

"Sounds like you're jealous." San smirked, receiving a gag from the rest of us in response.

All ten of us were seating in my formal dining room while the cleaning crew continued their work, the table slowly being filled by caterers with an assortment of food choices for all of us courtesy of Eunmi. Each of us were by our respective partners, and I took a moment to notice each pair slowly.

Wooyoung squealed, focusing on the display rather than the comment Jongho made. "Hyunjin, your mother is amazing!"

"No seriously...this is a lot of food." Hongjoong looked at the spread with wide eyes.

"Enough staring, it's time to eat!" Minho instructed.

Everyone but Felix began choosing their selections, causing Yeosang and I to look at him with concern. Yeosang leaned over next to his ear and whispered something, resulting in a soft smile and nod from the latter. With that, Yeosang looked at me with a serious expression before gesturing to follow him away from the group.

Once a good enough distance, Yeosang sighed heavily before speaking sternly. "I only asked for his permission since it's his secret to tell, and I swear on everything I love, if you hurt him..."

Jesus, he's scary...

"I promise I won't hurt him Yeosang. That's completely over with..." I reassured the male. "What's going on...?"

Yeosang analyzed my face for any signs of deceit before finally giving in. "Felix has an eating disorder... He has good days where he can eat normally, and bad days where he gets nauseous from the sight of too much food. It's something our friend group learned and adapted to, knowing the signs and all."

"Just now wasn't necessary a bad day sign, but the sight of so much food in front of him was a little overwhelming for him, especially so early in the morning. But look," He paused, pointing back at the group. My eyes darted to the boy, who was now enjoying pancakes with Wooyoung and Seonghwa. He had a bright smile on his face while watching San and Jongho, who were fighting over whipped cream.

"He eats when he is comfortable Hyunjin...he eats when he feels at peace." Yeosang whispered with a gentle smile, a smile matching my own. "Just be patient with him, okay?"

I nodded. "It all makes sense now...thank you for telling me."

Yeosang shuddered, shaking his head in disappointment. "That sounds so weird coming from you. Come on, I'm starving."

Both of us rejoined the group, with Felix glancing up at me with a sad smile. "So... now you you not like me now...?"

Instead of verbally responding, I pulled his chin up to me and kissed him softly before pulling him into a side hug, earning a mixture of cheers and disgust sounds all around us. Minho groaned jokingly. "Did you have to do that in front of my fruit salad?!"

"Are you two dating now?" Seonghwa asked curiously, encouraging others to turn their heads in growing hope.

I shook my head. "Not yet. I'm taking him on a date later."

This time San asked the next curious question. "Wait. Felix, what happened to Jake?"

"I called off the date before the party. He took it fairly well, considering that I told him the reason why." He answered quietly.

Now my interest was piqued. "The reason why?" I asked curiously.

Wooyoung groaned loudly. "I swear he is so slow....Think Hyunjin, think!"

It took a couple of seconds before a deep blush grew on my cheeks as I realized the answer, with everyone bursting into laughter at my slow reaction. All I could do was pull Felix closer and kiss his cheek, receiving a small giggle I've grown to love hearing again and again.

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