Chapter Twenty-Three

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Chapter Twenty-Three•••

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Chapter Twenty-Three


"Felix... Hyunjin is your partner."

You've got to be kidding me...

I watched Felix's reaction, his body slumping into his chair at the news. Part of me was beyond ecstatic for the assignment, but another part of me wanted nothing to do with the blonde-haired kid. Despite my attempts of warning him, all I got was an indirect slap to the face.

" we both get the person we wanted, huh?" Minho smirked.

I raised an eyebrow. "Who said I wanted him?"

"Right, sorry."

Miss V continued on with her names and it didn't take long for her to finish. "Alright! So, Felix and Yeji will allow you all to come and take one or both of their treats to eat, and after we're all done, I want you all to sit with your new partners. This will be the new seating arrangement for the rest of this semester."

I watched Felix stand up to walk towards the front of the class, with Yeji following close behind.  Both of them opened their containers with a smile, and one by one, students began coming up to have their pick of desserts. Minho got up and looked at me curiously. "Are you not going to get one? You've been dying to try his brownies?"

"I'm good. Thanks..."

"Whatever." He rolled his eyes, not waiting another second before making his way up to Felix. I couldn't exactly tell what they were talking about, but by the forced smile Felix made toward Minho, I could guess it was something about me.

Minho grabbed two extra brownies and while walking back, Felix locked eye contact with me. My breath hitched, as I felt my chest get warm from the intensity of his gaze. Since we were now partners for the semester, there was no way of escaping him or his potential questions.

Placing the two brownies on my desk, Minho smirked. "This was in direct order from the brownie boy himself, and no, I will not eat them for you. Stop being stubborn."


Taking one and biting it, my eyes grew wide in shock. "Holy shit..."

Minho chuckled. "Yeah, they are amazing..."

Glancing back up at the blonde, I noticed a faint blush on his cheeks as he continued serving out his treats to the other students. I bit my lip from smiling, taking another bite into the brownie to help disguise my happiness forming from just his reaction.

Maybe things won't be so bad...

"Okay everyone, time to move to your partners and new seating!" Miss V instructed, still indulging in her cupcake with a smile.

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