Chapter Four

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Chapter Four•••

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Chapter Four


Now, I was in Art class, sitting on a wooden stool next to Seonghwa and trying not to rip my canvas to shreds. My mind was still in shock over the encounter with the new kid, and how despite my plan to make him cry, he seemed to be confident enough to stand up to me. Hence why my canvas was completely blank.

I tsked to myself, throwing my paintbrush on the easel irritably. Seonghwa looked over and saw my canvas, slightly smirking. "Penny for your thoughts?"

"That new kid pissed me off..." I muttered.

"Oh, right. I heard from a few girls on the way here. Why exactly did you do that?"

I raised an eyebrow. "No new kid deserves that much attention, Hwa. He even called me by my nickname!" I whisper-yelled.

He just hummed. "Well, that's not surprising since he's Chan's cousin."

"Wait, what?"

"Hyunjin, do you ever read your texts? San literally mentioned it after sharing a class with both him and Wooyoung." Seonghwa sighed, rolling his eyes before refocusing on his work. "Chan probably told him everything about us, including your beloved nickname he used to call you."

"Well, he has a new enemy and that's me. I can't stand him." I huffed, picking up the paintbrush again. "I'll show him who he's messing with..."

"Whatever you say, Hyunjin."

I started trying to paint again, and this time I could actually make progress. For some reason, all I could envision was Felix and how he looked up close. From his blonde hair that looked soft to the touch, the silver rimmed glasses and earring, to his eyes and even his freckles that adorned his nose and cheeks. There was no denying that he was very beautiful for a guy, almost like a prince indeed.

Why does he make my heart flutter...

Shaking my head, I grunted and continued on with class.


Before lunch, all of us met up and walked together while discussing everything we had learned about Felix.

"So, I've already shared the news of him being Chan-hyung's cousin." San started us off.

Minho added. "He also loves to dance and apparently, he's all alone here in the states."

"Wait, really? How'd you find that out?" Seonghwa asked curiously.

"I have my ways..." He slightly hid his blush, but I caught it, knowing exactly who he was referring to.

I rolled my eyes. "Moving on...anything else?"

Jongho shook his head. "We shared Physics together with Hongjoong, but the two were stuck like glue with Yeji."

"Please don't bring her up. I'm already annoyed that we're even family and now dance captains together." I sighed, rubbing my temples.

My Heart, My Peace | HYUNLIX ✔️Where stories live. Discover now