Chapter Twenty-Two

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Chapter Twenty-Two•••

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Chapter Twenty-Two


Reaching school with a few minutes to spare, Han and Hongjoong helped me in carrying the two containers to our lockers. I was excited to share them with the class, eager to see their faces once they had a taste of my creation. Based on the reactions my friends gave, I was sure to impress the other students and the teacher.

While walking, Jake walked up and placed on arm on my shoulder. "Hey."

My body tensed, and with a shakily laugh, I gently removed his arm. "Hi..."

"Did you bake brownies? They smell really good."

"Thank you. It's for my class." I said softly. Hongjoong and Han held the containers close to their chests.

Jake pouted. "So, that means I won't be able to have one huh?"

I don't think I want give you one...

"If I have any leftovers, I'll give you one. No promises." I mumbled.

"Awesome! I hope to try them, then!"

Feigning a soft smile, Jake removed his arm and walked down the hallway in the opposite direction. I finally let out a breath of relief, noticing the other four boys looking at me with concerned faces. It wasn't until we reached our lockers that Wooyoung spoke up first.

" you really want to go on that date with him?" Wooyoung asked quietly.

"Yeah, you looked extremely uncomfortable just now and I don't like it." Yeosang added.

I sighed. "I just want to get through the day...I'll decide on what to do later." Grabbing my books and one of the containers from Hongjoong, I smiled. "Thanks for helping you guys, but don't worry... Han let's go."

Han exchanged looks with other boys before nodding, following me to our home room class. The lingering effect of Jake's arm made my stomach churn, and more and more I realized that I truly didn't want anything to do with him. Maybe it was Hyunjin's words or something else, but calling off the date was the best choice for me.

Stepping inside our classroom, Miss V gasped with delight upon noticing our arrival. "Oh Felix, you made so much!"

I smiled. "I wanted to be sure I had enough to give at least two to everyone."

"Here, put the containers on my desk. You two don't need to hold them anymore."

Yeji walked in behind us with Ryujin, both of them holding two containers of cupcakes each. "Miss V, my friend here is just helping me with my cupcakes. Can I place them on your desk too?"

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