Chapter Twenty-One

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Chapter Twenty-One•••

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Chapter Twenty-One


All five of us were in Chan's apartment working on my brownies together, per Wooyoung's request. Chan was over Jeongin's apartment for the night, so I had the entire place to myself. With a collective agreement and gathering of overnight sleeping bags, the others would spend the night here with me.

"Wait, that's what he told you? He couldn't have just asked you normally to talk in private without causing a SCENE?!" Wooyoung yelled angrily, waving a chocolate-covered spatula in his hand. "San just told me to trust him, whatever the hell that means..."

Hongjoong sighed. "Seonghwa told me the same thing and honestly...I believe him."

"I'm more curious as to why Hyunjin would actually want to warn you about something? Seems a bit odd for him to do, considering who he is at least." Yeosang rolled his eyes.

"Maybe he likes you and doesn't know how to show it?" Han suggested.

I scoffed. "Yeah, right. That's like me saying I'm Australian but I pretend not to be. Let's be serious here...."

"I don't know, Lix... Han could be onto something." Hongjoong smiled softly. "Maybe that was his way of showing jealousy, in some weird sense. Who knows what goes on in that head of his."

Is that possible...? Hyunjin likes me?

Shaking my head, I brushed it off and huffed. "Whatever. I still don't approve of what he did, and because of it, he's not getting an extra brownie."

"Oooh, yeah. That'll show him." Yeosang teased, causing Wooyoung and Han to giggle.

Sticking my tongue out at him, Wooyoung brought up another question. "Wait, so are we still going to the party or....?"

The four boys looked at me for an answer, but I was deeply conflicted. Despite how deeply frustrated I felt about Hyunjin's behavior, I still wanted to experience going to a party for once while residing in a new country. Part of me wanted to believe him and his claims, but another part of me chose not to and wanted to follow my gut instinct.

With a deep sigh, I nodded. "We're still going. Nothing changes."

"Oh thank goodness! I really didn't want to miss out." Wooyoung said with relief. "That means we're still on for shopping tomorrow!"

Han pointed his whisk at the cheerful male. "Remember you promised you'd buy any pants I want!"

"Alright, alright. Can we focus on the brownies now? We still have a ton to make." I instructed, quickly noticing Wooyoung attempting to sneak extra sugar in the bowl. "WOO. YOUNG. NO!"

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