Chapter Twenty-Five

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Chapter Twenty-Five•••

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Chapter Twenty-Five


Seonghwa's words replayed in my mind the entire day, causing me to rethink my initial plan of embarrassing a certain blonde boy at my party. Within the course of a single week, the amount of times my thoughts had been influenced by his presence was more surprising than I could imagine.

Felix may actually like me...?

I was leaning against my car waiting for the other boys to arrive and discuss the plan of action for the party tomorrow. We all agreed to have everyone spend the weekend at my house, which would make it easier for everyone to get things sorted beforehand. Soon enough, the four boys made their way to me.

"So, are we all ready to go?" I asked.

Minho shook his head. "I will be. My apartment isn't far from yours, so I'll meet you in an hour. I left my bag there."

"San and I are good to go. We can follow you to yours." Jongho confirmed proudly, with San nodding in agreement.

Seonghwa shrugged. "Same with me. All good to go."

I nodded. "Alright, let's head to my place. I still have to go with my mom to get the liquor later, so extra hands would be helpful."

As soon as we were about to head to our separate cars, we heard the sound of the group of boys heading out of the school building, specifically Wooyoung's voice being prominent. Felix was leading his group to his car, with Han and Hongjoong following behind while Wooyoung seemed to be arguing with Yeosang in the back.

"Is Wooyoung always so loud?" Jongho snorted, instantly earning a scowl and slap on the arm from San.

Minho chuckled. "It seems so, and based on what I could barely pick up on, I think they're going to the mall?"

The mall...?

My eyes stayed on the group, specifically the blonde as they continued their walk. Felix locked eye contact with me before quickly turning away. However, I caught a glimpse of a blush on his cheeks as he focused his attention on getting to his vehicle.

Seonghwa turned and raised his eyebrow at me, a small smirk growing on his lips at noticing the sight. Rolling my eyes and ignoring the intended subtle gesture, I cleared my throat to gather the group's attention. "Let's go, guys..."

Everyone but me departed to their respective vehicles to head to my house, while I stayed glued for a moment in my spot, slowly watching the blonde boy drive out of the parking lot. Once he left, I felt a gentle smile grow on my face before I hopped into my car and started the engine to leave.

Maybe I should change the plan...


"Alright boys, you all stay here while Jinnie and I go get the necessary drinks for your party tomorrow, okay?" Eunmi insisted with a smile.

"Yes Eomma." All the guys said in unison, returning the smile.

"YA! She's my eomma."

She only laughed, ruffling my hair gently. "Aish, you know they always do that. Relax, you big baby."

I huffed, rolling my eyes and crossing my arms. "I don't care..."

Seonghwa smirked. "You really are a big baby. Look at how you're behaving."

Jongho and San chuckled, instantly earning a playful slap on the back of their heads from Minho. "Hush."

"Alright, we will be back!" Eunmi smiled. I nodded, opening the front door and leading her to my car. Opening the door for her, I protected her head as she stepped inside before making my way over to my side eagerly. Once inside, I started the engine and backed out of the driveway and waited for a few minutes before bringing up a pressing question that I had saved for her. "Eomma..."

"Hmm?" She hummed curiously.

"Why hasn't Father returned home this past week...?"

I noticed her once jubilant demeanor switch to a more somber one, and I knew the answer wasn't going to be a pleasant one. She sighed, turning her gaze to the passing scenery outside the window. "I have no idea..."

All I could do was nod and let the tense conversation dissipate. This wasn't the first time a situation like this occurred between the two of them, with no true explanation given for his apparent absence within our family. Mother was always the one to be home, and despite his presence not being around as much as one would expect, it didn't phase me as much as it did her. My priority was her happiness, and if I could give it to her, I would without hesitation.  She always put on a brave and prideful smile whenever we were surrounded by others, but when we were alone, it was easy to see her crestfallen mood behind her eyes. Her behaviors became routine, as if she was trying her best to shield her true pain from ever reading my sight.

Pulling into the parking spot in front of the liquor store, I shut the engine off and stared at her. "Eomma... why are you still with him? If he keeps doing this and keeps on hurting you, wouldn't it be better to leave? I hate seeing you like this... Of all people, you are the most deserving of true happiness..."

It took her a few minutes before she finally responded. "It's hard to let go of someone you love, regardless of how things may have changed..." She began to say, turning her face to me with tears welled up behind her eyes.

"After you've spent so many years being with one person, learning their likes and their dislikes, you start to accept that the grass may not be greener on the other side if you decide to leave. The thought of starting over with someone new, going through the process of relearning all of the small intricate details of that new lover, and learning to live with an entirely new being beside you seems to be a nightmare. So, you have to choose. Would you stick with what you're grown with or take the risk of abandoning the ship into uncharted waters...?"

Before I could respond, she opened her door and smiled softly, shaking her head to stop me. "Aish, enough of this mushy topic. Time to get those bottles for you kids!"

I watched as she subtly wiped her cheeks before walking inside the store, and I could feel my resentment toward my father grow even more. Picking up my phone, I began dialing his number and placed the phone near my ear. The phone rang a few times before sending me to voicemail, which was exactly what I wanted. Once the beep for my message to begin, I started my rant.

"Abeoji... I don't know what you're doing, and I don't care. You haven't been home all week and whether you realize it or not, you're hurting mom. You act like you're a true husband and father in public, but act like an asshole behind closed doors. I don't why mom stays with you, but you don't deserve her. I hope you're happy with your performance, because you're failing at this miserably."

Hanging up, I watched Eomma walk out with the store owner, both of them in deep conversation with laughs being exchanged as two workers carried boxes towards the car. Smiling to myself, I unlocked the trunk and let the workers pack the boxes inside while observing the genuine happy expression on my mother's face.

She's going to be alright...


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