Chapter Fourteen: MINSUNG SPECIAL Pt.1

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Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen



After Felix dropped me off home from having a group meal together, I walked inside to my shared apartment with my boyfriend with a happy smile, instantly noticing that he was patiently waiting for me on the couch. His eyes immersed with the tv program on display, and all I could do was smile and watch him with adoration.

He's so cute...

"How long have you been sitting here?" I teased, dropping my backpack on the floor to announce my presence.

Minho laughed, turning his head before standing and walking towards me. "Not that long, but still long enough to miss you..."

Meeting each other halfway, we stood inches apart from one another. Slowly, he pulled my face gently in his hands and placed a soft kiss on my lips, one I always melted for after a long day without being able to be near him.

"How was your day, love...?" He asked, still holding my face as he continued to pepper kisses all over my face and neck.

"I-It was good..." I bit my lip to prevent a moan from escaping. "You know w-what you're doing, stop it..."

Minho just hummed, never relenting his attack as he traveled his lips towards my neck. "Are you sure you want me to stop...?"

Finding some inner strength, I pulled away and nodded with a deep blush on my cheeks. "Just temporarily, at least. I want to shower and talk to you about something."

"Should I be worried? You're not breaking up with me or something, right?"

"Aish!" I playfully slapped his arm. "I'm never doing that! It's actually about Felix and the party this weekend."

Minho nodded, a smirk growing on his face. "Ah, okay. Well...let's go shower then?"

"I'm showering alone!" I giggled, grabbing my backpack quickly before running away into the bedroom. All I could hear was his yelling and footsteps chasing after me.

I love him so much...

I love him so much

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