Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven•••

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Chapter Seven


Reaching Wooyoung's home, I quickly ran upstairs and collapsed on his bed face-first. The softness of his purple velvet sheets made me feel warm and relaxed, something I truly needed after the rollercoaster of emotions I've experienced so far.

"Do you want some snacks and banana milk?!" Wooyoung shouted from downstairs.

"Yes please!"

Sitting up in his bed, I checked my phone and noticed unread messages in our group chat. Unlocking and opening it, I saw concerns coming from the other three in our group.

"Feel better Lix!" -Han

"If you need anything, I can get it for you after school!"- Hongjoong

"We'll come by once school is over, so rest up! I'll tell our teacher you're not feeling well, don't worry."-Yeosang

"Our friends are great, hmm?" Wooyoung asked with a smile, hands filled with chips and banana milk as requested. I nodded, taking my share of food to munch on quietly. The room was filled with silence, a comfortable atmosphere surrounded the two of us in his spacious room.

"I'm sorry..." I said softly. "I didn't mean to make you leave school because of me."

Wooyoung scoffed playfully. "Lixie, any excuse I can get to not go to class, I'll take it. I know today was a lot for your first day of school here, so I don't mind doing whatever I can to help you through it. I'm so proud of you..."

Tears started welling up in my eyes and a few escaped onto my cheeks. "I j-just feel so b-bad..."

He shushed me and pulled me into his arms. "Stop it. Remember when we first shared our struggles and I told you about the daily panic attacks I had because of it? What did you tell me?"

"To just take it one day at a time..."I mumbled.

"Exactly! So, I'm saying the same thing to you. Lixie, you just need to take it one day at a time." He smiled. "No matter what, I'll always be here for you. Alright?"

I nodded, letting myself relax into his embrace without any further hesitation. We stayed in this hold for a few minutes before he broke the silence with the question I was dreading to answer.

"Although...if I may ask... what exactly triggered your reaction...?"


Wooyoung pulled away and stared at me with rage in his eyes. "What did that asshole say to you...?"

Looking down, I felt the itchy sensation on my skin creeping up again, but I tried to ignore it. Sighing, I answered. "He saw my tray of food with the fruits and bread roll...asked me if that was all I planned on eating...then said that was the reason I was so skinny..."

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