Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen•••

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Chapter Eighteen


Picking up each of the boys was something I found fun to do. Today, Han sat in the front passenger seat while Woo, Joong, and Sangie sat in the back. With Han being the last picked up, it didn't take long for us to reach school since his apartment was the closest to the campus grounds. However, as soon as the five of us stepped out of the car, a loud voice called out my name.

"Hey, Felix!"

Wooyoung smirked, noticing the culprit behind the voice. "Felix, I think Jake wants to talk to you..."

"Jake? Who's Jake?"

"We'll go in first, okay?" Han smiled, winking at me before he led the other boys to the school entrance. Jake slightly jogged over to me with a smile on his face.

Once standing in front of me, I noticed that he was slightly taller than me with long blonde hair and grey colored eyes, assumed to be fake contacts. "Sorry for yelling, but I wanted to talk to you about something."

I raised an eyebrow suspiciously before bursting into a fit of giggles. "At least introduce yourself first, mate. You know my name but I only heard your name from my friend."

He blushed, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "R-Right, sorry. My name is Jake, and first I want to say I'm happy another Aussie is in school now."

"Wait, you're Australian?" I asked shocked.

"Indeed I am." He smiled. "But that's not what I wanted to talk to you about. It's actually about my club, which is focused on Modeling."


"Sure, what about it?"

Jake smiled. "I was wondering if you'd be willing to join? You're are stunning and your style is incredible!"

Now I was the one blushing. "I-I don't know..."

"Seriously! You won't have to do any runway modeling if you're not comfortable with that. Just editorial pictures with the photography club once in a while and you can help the other models with their clothing options if you want!"

"I'm just not the type who likes a lot of attention on me..." I said shyly.

Jake tilted his head curiously. "You? The way you look, I find it hard not to stare. You are gorgeous..."

I giggled, touching my now very red face with my fingers. "You're too kind..."

"I'm only being honest. At least think about it, okay? Promise?" He held out his pinky finger towards me.

Rolling my eyes playfully, I interlocked my own with his before making a few steps forward. "Fine, fine. I promise... Would you want to walk with me inside?"

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